report suggests changing kidney tumor treatment
for more than 40 years,american surgeons have treated small localized tumors of the kidney the same way:with nephrectomy,the removal of the entire kidney.but new research strongly suggests that the procedure does not improve survival.
chronic kidney disease after nephrectomy in patients with renal cortical tumours:a retrospective cohort study(the lancet oncology)removing an entire kidney instead of just the tumor and nearby tissue is more likely to result in impaired function in the remaining kidney.
in 2006,the researchers report,more than 35,000 people will develop such lesions,called renal cortical tumors.about half of the tumors are malignant,and more than 60 percent are smaller than four centimeters in diameter.it is these small tumors that should probably be treated by partial nephrectomy,rather than the radical procedure.
the researchers analyzed data from more than 2,000 patients with two functioning kidneys who underwent surgery for small renal tumors over a 16-year period.they excluded patients with metastatic disease.
after adjusting for age,kidney function,diabetes,hypertension and other factors,they found that the three-year probability of a patient suffering a new onset of chronic kidney disease was 65 percent for those undergoing the radical procedure,and 20 percent for those who had only the partial nephrectomy.
one reason for the radical procedure,the researchers say,may be that a partial nephrectomy is a technically more difficult operation.yet the frequency of complications in the two operations was no different in their study.the report appears in the september issue of the lancet oncology.
dr.russo,a professor of urology at memorial sloan-kettering cancer center in new york,said another reason surgeons have opted for a total nephrectomy is that until now they have assumed a patient with two working kidneys would not have problems with kidney function after a radical nephrectomy.but that assumption is based on testing kidney function by measuring serum creatinine levels,a measure too crude to pick up subtle deficiencies in function.
“even in those having partial nephrectomies,there's a continued diminution in kidney function,”said dr.paul russo,the senior author of the paper,“but much less than in those who have the radical operation.”if kidney function deteriorates so that dialysis becomes necessary,he said,“you've got about a 50 percent chance of three-year survival-much worse than with cancer.”