传统医学 Traditional medicine
体质医学 Constitutional medicine
先天之精 Innate essence
妊娠肿胀 Pregnancy swelling
五味偏嗜 Flavor predilection
禀赋不足 Constitutional insufficiency
时行感冒 Influenza
里急后重 Tenesmus
小便失禁 Urinary incontinence
但热不寒 Fever without chills
天人相应 Correspondence between nature and huma
缠腰火丹 Herpes zoster
时行戾气 Epidemic pathogen
五志过极 Excess among the five minds
阴阳离绝 Dissociation of yin and yang
朝食暮吐 Vomiting in the evening of food eaten in the morning
上热下寒 Upper body heat and lower body cold
五心烦热 Vexing heat in the chest, palms and soles
扶正祛邪 Reinforce the healthy qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors
升降出入 Upward, downward, inward and outward movement of qi