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2009-04-09 21:51 医学教育网

  Part A:听单句 .共 15句。每听完一句后,在10-14秒内从四个供选择的答案中,选一个与所听句意相近的最佳答案。



  Bob caught sight of Kate just as she was leaving the building.


  A. Bob and Kate got together in Bob's office

  B. The justice was caught in the building.

  C. Bob saw Kate before he got outside.

  D.Bob caught up with Kate before she left.


  Part B:听小对话 .共15段小对话。每听完一段后,在10-14秒内从四个答案中选择你根据对所听内容的理解或推理而认为最佳的答案。


  Woman: I feel faint.

  Man: No wonder. You haven't had a bite all day.

  Third Voice: What's the matter with the woman?


  A.She is sick

  B.She was bitten by an ant.

  C.She is hungry.

  D.She spilled her paint.

  C是正确答案,因为根据对话的内容推断可知“她是饿了”(She is hungry)。

  Part C:听短篇讲话或对话。 共四篇。每听完一篇后要回答 5个问题。听完每个问句后要在10-14秒内从四个选择项中挑选正确答案。例如,你将听到一篇讲话:

  Man uses up more and more of the earth's natural resources every year. At the same time man throws away more and more waste products and garbage every year. Air pollution and water pollution are serious problems in many countries of the world. With the rapid increase in population, the problems are going to get worse. For this reason the United Nations ordered the World Environmental Conference held in Sweden in 1972. Here are a few of the serious problems:

  1.Forests. Over two-thirds of the world's trees have been cut down for wood. They have not been replaced.

  2.Soil. Over a billion acres of agricultural soil have been lost through erosion.

  3.Air. In the past 100 years there has been a ten percent increase in the carbon dioxide in the air. By the year 2000 it will be twenty-five percent. Why is this important? Carbon dioxide captures the heat of the sun. This raises the temperature of the earth and may bring dangerous changes in climate, weather, and growing food crops.

  4.Water. Millions of tons of chemicals thrown into the waters of the earth from factories have already killed off some types of fish and sea life and many more are in danger.

  These are just a few of the many problems which the World Environmental Conference discussed.


  1.Where was the World Environmental Conference held?

  A. In Switzerland

  B. In the U.S.

  C. In Sweden

  D. In Britain.

  2.What fraction of the world's supply of trees has been cut down for wood?

  A. More than two thirds

  B. Nearly two thirds

  C. One third

  D. Less than one third.

  3.Why is the increase of carbon dioxide in the air a dangerous condition?

  A. Because it captures the light of the sun.

  B. Because it lowers the temperature of the earth.

  C. Because it may bring dangerous changes in growing crops.

  D. Because it may be dangerous to the growth of fish.

  4.What is the reason for the loss of agricultural soil?

  A. Flood.

  B. Erosion

  C. Illusion.

  D. Pollution.

  5.What problems did the World Environmental Conference discuss?

  A. Air pollution and water pollution.

  B. Forests, soil, air and water.

  C.Problems of forests, soil and air.

  D.Forests, soil, air, water, and many other problems

  正确答案:1. C;   2. A;   3. C;    4.B;    5.D

  Section II   Structure and Vocabulary  (语法结构与词语用法)

  1. We are looking forward to            a trip to Shanghai next week.

  A. taking

  B. take

  C. having taken

  D. Have taken

  正确答案为A,因look forward to 要求接动名词。

  2. The survival         of some wild animals is not very high as they are ruthlessly hunted for their skins.

  A. rate

  B. degree

  C. ratio

  D extent

  正确答案为A,因为填入rate, 使句意完整。

  Part B: 辨认错误。 每题内有四个横线部分,要求指出其中一个错误者(但不必改错)。例如:

  The  most  common  form  of   treatment  it   is  mass  inoculation

  A  B   C and   chlorination of water sources. D


  Part C: 选择同义词或近义词。 每题中有一个词或短语下面划有横线,要求从四个答案中选一个正确或最佳答案,其意义与加横线的词或词组的意义相同或相近。例如:

  Good food and fresh air will help build him up.

  A. strengthen his health.

  B. undermine his health.

  C. cure him.

  D. make his condition less bad.

  正确答案是A.因为它与加横线的词组build him up意义相同。

  Section III     Cloze


  In 1911, a New York scientist succeeded in producing tumors by inoculating them with filtrate of tumor tissue containing no cells, His 1 were the first clear demonstration of the role of a virus.

  2 one type of malignant tumor. His discovery failed to arouse much interest, 3 , and only 4 workers continued this 5 of research.

  But in the 1930s, 6 important cancer-virus discoveries were 7 .

  First, scientists succeeded 8 a skin wart from a wild rabbit to domestic rabbits by cell-free filtrates. 9 , in the domestic rabbits the warts were no longer benign, but malignant. 10 observed with the chickens, the filterable agent, a virus, could seldom be recovered 11 the malignant tumor which it 12 .

  Second, in 1936, workers discovered that breast cancer in 13 of mice occurred 14 the mother came from a strain noted 15 its high incidence of breast cancer. If the father, 16 not the mother, came from the high cancer line, the young 17 did not develop breast cancer.   When one of the simplest possibilities was 18 ———— that something was transmitted from the mother to the 19 after birth —— it was found that 20 was a virus in the milk of the mothers.

  1. A. works

  B. experiments

  C. studies

  D. ideas

  2. A. in

  B. of

  C. with

  D. within

  3. A. moreover

  B. then

  C. however

  D. thus

  4. A. few

  B. a few

  C. many

  D. little

  5. A. work

  B. idea

  C. line

  D. aspect

  6. A. three

  B. one

  C. four

  D. two

  7. A. made

  B. done

  C. caused

  D. continued

  8. A. transmitting

  B. in transmitting

  C. to transmit

  D. to be transmitting

  9. A. Of course

  B. On the other hand

  C. Moreover

  D. Naturally

  10. A. As

  B. When

  C. If

  D. While

  11. A. by

  B. from

  C. of

  D. out of

  12. A. induced

  B. had been induced

  C. had induced

  D. have induced

  13. A. children

  B. successors

  C. offspring

  D. generation

  14. A. of only

  B. and

  C. only if

  D. although

  15.A. for

  B. by

  C. of

  D. after

  16. A. or

  B. but

  C. and

  D. though

  17. A. ones

  B. one

  C. son

  D. daughter

  18. A. explained

  B. explored

  C. extracted

  D. exercised

  19. A. young

  B. children

  C. father

  D. other

  20. A. this what

  B. that any thing

  C. this something

  D. that what


  1. B       2. A      3. C      4. B      5. C      6. D

  7. A       8. B      9. C       10. A    11. B     12. C

  13. B      14. C     15. A      16. B     17. A    18. B

  19. A      20.C

  Section V I     Reading   Comprehension


  Infant mortality in the United States is higher than 16 other developed nations, with 11.5 babies out of 1,000 dying before age 1.A report based on international figures and released last week by the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) in Washington, D. C., ranks the United States in 17th  place among nations with the lowest infant mortality rates; Finland, Japan and Sweden led the ranking with rates of less than 7 per 1,000.

  Especially in countries with a low infant mortality rates, the statistics reflect the incidence of genetic birth defects leading to death. In the United States, say some researchers, the statistics also provide a social indicator. Says Brian McCarthy of the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, “Infant mortality rate is affected by social, medical and environmental policies.” The U.S. statistics show that 19.6 black babies per 1,000 die before age 1, compared with white babies at 10.1per 1,000. “The real cause is probably poverty,” says PRB's Carl Haub. “that's represented in the rates for low birth weight babies among blacks.”

  Infant mortality closely correlates to low birth weight which, Haub says, results from a rarity of factors, including poor diet and inadequate medical care. McCarthy blames the disproportionately low socioeconomic status of U. S. blacks for their high infant mortality. In comparison, he says, “Whites are five times more likely than blacks to fall into the socioeconomic profile of lowest infant mortality rate.”

  1.Infant mortality in the United States is comparatively high among developed nations, because

  A. it ranks among nations with the lowest infant mortality rate.

  B. there are 16 countries with a higher infant mortality rate.

  C. infant mortality in most countries is lower than that in the United States.

  D. infant mortality rate in 16 developed countries is lower than that in the United States.

  2. The statistics show

  A. inborn illness always proves fatal to infants before age 1.

  B. birth defects lead to the highest infant mortality rate.

  C. social factors mainly affect children's death.

  D. genetic inborn defects cause more infant deaths in Japan, Finland and Sweden.

  3. According to the passage

  A. new-born babies are always healthy when they weigh heavy.

  B. the mortality of new-born babies is usually negatively proportional to body weight.

  C. the birth weight of new born babies solely affects their mortality.

  D. the mortality rate of new-born babies is higher than 1.15% in the United States.

  4. Implied and not stated:

  A. Infant mortality is mainly affected by national economy.

  B. Infant mortality reflects its significance for a country's prosperity.

  C. Medical care is of unique significance for infant mortality.

  D. Low birth weight has a sole relation of causality with infant mortality.

  5. The topic which best suits the passage is

  A. Infant death and poverty.

  B. Infant death and sociology.

  C. Infant death and food.

  D. Infant death and statistics.

  正确答案1.  D      2. D      3.  B       4.  A        5.  A

  Section Ⅴ Writing


  Topic: Advantages and Disadvantages of Our Medical Care System

  Sample writing No. 1 (19  marks )

  Since China is a socialist country, people who have a job are entitled to enjoy free medical service. This medical care system has a number of advantages. First, it gives everyone, whether poor or rich, an equal chance to have medical care. Second, because hospitals claim that their sole purpose of existence is to serve the people, not to make a profit, health service cost to individuals is inexpensive as is compared with that in some capitalist countries.

  Everything in the world has its own defects. Our health care system is not an exception to this rule. With the development of market economy, the economic situation in many factories has changed dramatically. These factories don't have the ability to give full financial support for the medical service of their workers, and their free medical service exists only in name. Moreover, our current medical care system does not offer equal opportunity to every body. Those living in the countryside do not enjoy free medical care while those who have power can enjoy more privileges than ordinary people.

  In my opinion, the medical care system in our country needs reforming since it appears to have more disadvantages than advantages. I suggest that we have medical insurance instead of free medical care. That will solve some of the problems we are now faced with. (221 words)

  Sample writing No. 2 (15 marks)

  Our medical care system has been practised for more than forty years. It is the product of social planned economy. Nowadays, it causes much controversy within our country.

  Many people think our medical care system has more advantages than disadvantages. For people of the low-income class can enjoy medical care without paying any money. People who can't afford the medical cost can also be served properly or be given available drugs.

  Others think our medical care system has more disadvantages now. It was reported that this system might lead to corruption. Moreover, the cost of this system is a heavy burden of our government. It's better to use this money for economic construction.

  In my opinion, I think this system has more disadvantages than advantages. For it has  negative effects on our medical and health work, such as our own drug development. It also limited doctors from getting high income. (151 words)

  Sample writing No. 3(11 marks)

  As we all know, our country has set up a series of medical care system since liberation. In this system, everybody has the right to enjoy medical service. There are many hospitals in most parts of our country. So when a man is ill, he can ask for medical help in time. In the city, this system has even more advantages. For every citizen, he spends little money on medicine which is paid by our country. For example, when a worker is injured badly or falls ill seriously, his factory will pay the cost on his medical treatment.

  However, this system causes a lot of troubles. It has been taken by many people to buy things which has nothing to do with medicine. so it has become a heavy load to our hospitals and country.

  The most advisable solution to all these troubles, I think, is to set up a social welfare insurance system.(154 words)

  sample writing No. 4 (7 marks )

  I'm a little ashamed for my poor knowledge of our Medical Care System though as a medical student. But I'm willing to take part in this discussion.

  The most significant advantage of our M. C. S is that it can ensure our people to be under the care, though not very   satisfying , when they are in illness. Serve for people is its aim and it worked well during past years. Most people feel it is helpful and indispensable.

  But every thing has its counterpart, so is our Medical Care System. Our government takes almost all of its cost which is very high. Some people with poor morality undermine it. They buy a lot of unnecessary medicine which is paid for by the government. So the government is overloaded.

  To my opinion, it is urgent to reform our Medical Care System. People,especially rich ones , should share parts of the cost. The poor people and government should be the beneficiary of the reform. (162 words )

  Sample writing No.5 (3 marks )

  advantage and disadvantage

  Our Medical Care System is difference in some subtle things but is analogy in general. I have not see any advantages about our Medical Care System. The poor need cure and care but for No, the rich who need not care but for Much. The necessary drugs for common is lack, the foreign expensive drugs imported a lot. The doctors complain about their low salary , the patient disapprove the bad attitude and environment of hospital. The cost for care gets to a high number. The waste is so severe.

  My opinion is make a revolution about our Medical Care System. The first step is to develop our economics , let the poor be rich; let the rich more rich, the drugs more aff

  uent . The second step is make a perfect law for medical system. Say is a thing do is difficult. We anxious the day coming. ( 148 words )

  • 老师编写
  • 凝聚要点
  • 针对性强
  • 覆盖面广
  • 解答详细
  • 质量可靠
  • 一书在手
  • 梦想成真



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