Chronic Bronchitis
Chronic bronchitis is a condition associated with excessive tracheobronchia mucus production sufficient to cause cough with expectoration for at least 3 months of the year for more than 2 consecutive years. Several subclassifications have been proposed: ①simple chronic bronchitis describes a condition characterized by mucoid sputum production; ②chronic mucopurulent bronchitis is characterized by persistent or recurrent purulence of sputum in the absence of localized suppurative diseases such as bronchiectasis; ③chronic bronchitis with obstruction deserves a separate classification characterized by presence of airway obstruction as assessed by the used of the forced expiratory vital capacity maneuver; and ④chronic asthmatic bronchitis. The patient with chronic asthmatic bronchitis has a long history of cough and sputum production with a later onset of wheezing, whereas the asthmatic with chronic obstruction gives a long history of wheezing with later onset of chronic productive cough. form
From Internal Medicine