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D: Have you had any swelling of your ankles?
P: No, I don't think so.
D: Have you ever had any pain in the small of your back?
P: Yes, every once in a while, but it doesn’t last long.
D: On both sides?
P: Yes.
D: Have you had this recently?
P: Once about a week ago.
D: Did you have chills and fever at the same time?
P: Yes, for a couple of days, I felt as if I had some fever.
D: Have you had any burning when you urinate?
P: No.
D: Has your urine ever been cloudy or bloody?
P: Well, I haven't noticed.
D: Has anyone in your family ever had kidney or heart disease?
P: Well, my mother died of high blood pressure, and my father had
what they called kidney cysts?
D: Has a doctor ever treated you for a kidney infection?
P: Yes, about five years ago. But I felt better, so I never went back.
D: You never had trouble before that time?
P: None that I can remember.
D: Have you always been this heavy?
P: Oh, doctor, I’m not really heavy.
D: Well, let’s just say you have a good appetite. All kidding apart, you know,
losing some of that weight wouldn’t hurt you.
P: I've been trying for years, but every time I start to diet, I get worried and
nervous. So, well, I just put on more weight.
D: All right, Mrs. Wilson, let's see what we can find.
16期以后没有现成的正式文本资料, 每期附带的文本资料不能保证全部正确,欢迎战友们纠错! 谢谢!


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