
Re:共建“每日听力2分钟“(by longen、MlxHan、saga_200

Welcome say something about today' topic,but only in english please!



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Most of us take the three thousand square inches of skin that sheaths our body for granted. Throughout this sensitive wrapping, there are hundreds of thousands of sensory nerves. Huge numbers of them are clustered at the base of every hair, so that the slightest breath stirs some of them, while others signal whether the air is warm or cool, moist or dry.

Different parts of the skin respond to different stimuli. Some spots are especially sensitive to warmth and pain, while others respond to cold, touch or pressure. The nerves carrying these sensations of warmth, cold, pressure, pain or texture, although distributed all over the body, do not respond uniformly.

Many more cold sensitive spots occur on the back of the body, and more warm sensitive ones on the front. This makes sense, since the back is broad and more exposed, and is the ideal spot to warn us of chilliness in our environment. The abdominal surface on the other hand is a cozy shelter for infants, so the heat receptors here are an important signal of warmth.

The sensitivity of human touch depends on the thickness of the skin and its supply of hairs. We feel the lightest touch on the skin of the forehead, but it takes two and a half times as much pressure to perceive things using the finger tip.

So next time you name your senses, don抰 forget to include the skin, which makes you aware of everything that抯 going on around you.
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We've all experienced the effect of music on our emotions. Now some recent work in a field of brain science called "neural plasticity" has shown that music changes more than our mood.

Psychologists at McMaster University in Ontario Canada are using techniques that help us observe structural changes in the brain to examine the way in which musical training actually changes the brain.

It has long been known that the part of the temporal lobe that processes sound is enlarged in musicians. The violist's brain responds more than the lay person's when their fingering hand is stimulated. Research has also shown that in amputees, the brain can rewire itself so as to re-use the neurons once used by the missing limb.

Using young violin students, researchers have found that musical training boosts the brain's response to music, so that violinists' brains respond significantly more than others at the sound of a violin.

Psychologists find that music stimulates the brain's left temporal region in a way that spills over into the verbal memory. So young students who studied music for two years could recall words and learn new words better than their non- musical counterparts.

The development of the auditory cortex in the brains of children raised on the Suzuki violin method was advanced two to three years over non musical children.

So next time when the kids want to play, suggest they try music.
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yes,thanks you, longen.The topic is interesting and give us the useful information.you know,i am studying the “neural plastisity” ,so the music fuction in this field is really interesting.Maybe it the support for the baby music training.
Thanks for your attention! I am very gland to know that you are interest in this topic too! I will go on giving you more interesting and useful information every day!
A Warning from the Worms
As so often happens in science, just when some argument seems settled, new data comes along which forces us to re-think our conclusions.

Recent analysis of the common earthworm indicates that it contains a magnetic iron oxide known as magnetite. The finding of magnetite in worms may help explain why they are sensitive to electro-magnetic radiation from such devices as mobile cell phones.

When exposed to electro-magnetic fields worms were found to produce heat shock proteins, suggesting they had experienced some kind of stress. It is thought that when exposed to external fields, magnetite particles concentrate energy, which causes local damage within the organism.

If it is confirmed that magnetite is being produced by the worms, and not merely ingested from nutrient medium, these experiments will have important implications. Preliminary indications are that the magnetite is not just ingested by the worms because there is not enough magnetite around to account for all they have in their bodies.

This new data is re-igniting the debate about the potential danger posed by mobile cell phones. In use these phones are held near the brain. Since the human brain also contains magnetite, there might be significant biological consequences.

So next time you're tempted to think the worm's greatest benefit to us is as fishbait, don't under estimate its contribution to science.
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A Notorious Killer

There are more kinds of venomous life forms found in the sea than anywhere else. Creatures like scorpion fish, stingrays, sea urchins and jelly fish, all produce dangerous venoms.

The candidate for the most lethal venom of all is the box jelly fish. This barely visible creature lives in the sea off northern Australia. A notorious killer, it brings death from its powerful venom within minutes. It's killed sixty-five Australians in the last fifty years. Its bell shaped body can have as many as sixty tentacles, each more than seven feet long. It's capable of causing death with a mere touch.

Whilst most jelly fish feed on plankton, the box jelly fish feeds on fish. Once it selects its prey, it kills with the flick of a tentacle. Each tentacle contains some two and a half million specialized stinging cells per inch. Every one of them is ripe with venom!

The box jelly fish's ability to kill is enhanced by its ability to swim well, a skill unusual in jelly fish. When pursuing a fish, it can clock speeds up to two and a half knots. Once it nabs its prey, the jelly fish moves it into its transparent stomach for pre-digestion. Then it sends the semi-digested broth along canals lining the interior walls of each tentacle, where the nutrients are taken up.

So next time some one says, "It's just a jelly fish", you might want to mention the Australian box jelly fish, the world's most dangerous variety.

by Christopher Shennan

It would be idyllic if all of nature was friendly, and no danger lurked on land and sea. Experience, however, teaches us otherwise. The box jelly fish is just one example. There are many other natural dangers in our environment from large predators to tiny parasites.

Also, it would be wonderful if all people were guided by high ideals and friendly dispositions; if no evil lurked in men's hearts and there was no need to take precautions. Again, daily news, personal experience, and overflowing abuse centres bring us rudely back to reality. Unseen dangers lurk in the common areas of everyday life. All people do not have pure motives, always tell the truth, or live unselfish lives.

While few people may be as poisonous as the box jelly fish, there are places and situations it may be prudent to avoid. It would be foolish to swim in an area notorious for the presence of box jelly fish; it is just as foolish not to be aware of the dangers around us. That does not mean we should foster a suspicious nature, but a little caution may save us a lot of grief.

Life is indeed full of many dangers, yet no one need live in constant fear. There is no need to develop a fortress mentality and avoid contact with people. The people of Israel were taught that, as long as they honoured God and lived in His Presence, they could rely on His protection. They lived in fear and trepidation only when they left God out of the equation. I know warm-hearted, loving people who live life to the fullest, in spite of many perceived dangers. Their secret? "Living each day with an awareness of the presence of God."
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Many of the polymers and adhesives produced by chemists are finding important uses in helping repair injured human bodies. The strong super-glue you buy in the hardware store gets its strength from its ability to turn itself from a collection of individual molecules into a molecular chain with very strong links. Super glue was first used in surgery in the Viet Nam war to glue tissue together without the use of stitches.

Now scientists have created a polymer which remembers its shape. These shape-memory polymers will, even after being grossly bent out of shape, revert to their original shape when exposed to ultra violet light. The shape memory property is given to a polymer by introducing photo sensitive molecules into its structure. When exposed to specific wave lengths of ultra violet light these molecules link together, pulling the polymers own constituent chains into position.

A second dose of UV light of a different wave length cleaves the bonds and allows the polymer to revert back to its original form. This memory plastic has many potential applications in minimally invasive surgery. A surgeon might thread a thin piece of plastic into a blocked blood vessel. A fibre optic probe could activate it with light, triggering the polymer to spring into a shape that would keep the vessel open.

So next time you're sorting your recyclable material, don't denigrate all plastics, one of them may some day save your life.
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Heat Helps More Than Back Ache
My mother was an advocate of the therapeutic value of heat. Now the idea of using heat to heal, even in attacking malignant tumours is receiving scientific support.

In one study researchers showed that when tumours were kept at temperatures above forty degrees Celsius for at least an hour after radiation treatment, they shrank significantly more than tumours that were similarly irradiated without any heat follow up.

The technique was tested on patients who had tumours within three centimetres of the skin. All the participants had tumours which were deemed inoperable, and all had been scheduled to receive radiation as the main treatment option.

Researchers randomly assigned the patients to receive either radiation followed by heat, or radiation alone for up to ten treatments. Those who received the combination treatment had their tumour maintained just above forty degrees Celsius for at least an hour after irradiation. Doctors monitored the temperature throughout the tumour using a fibre optic thermometer.

It turned out that in patients receiving radiation and heat, sixty six per cent of the tumours were destroyed. But in those just getting radiation, only forty two per cent were destroyed. It is thought that after radiation has damaged the DNA in a tumour cell, heat prevents the enzymes in the cell from repairing the DNA, and the cell dies.

So next time you're feeling unwell, remember a little warmth often goes a long way.
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Come on! Say something about it in english please !Thank you!
I say something first! To be honest I am not very intersted in English. But I have to because it is very useful!
I have heard today's radio. It is more difficult ,but more useful! We also use the heat therapy in our daily life, but we don't know it is so useful that can kill cancer cells!
Thanks Longen for giving us so interesting information!
Thanks for Longen’s share, I will persist in listening to it as possible as I can inorder to improve my English. It is wonderful that there is a different topic everyday. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
Recent exploration of the peat wetlands in South East Asia has led to the discovery of the world's smallest fish. When fully grown it is the size of a mosquito. This tiny, skinny, transparent fish lives in acidic peat swamps in Sumatra and Borneo. These unique swamps are covered by reddish-black water that is almost as acidic as lemon juice. But they are threatened by developing forestry and agriculture, and are gradually disappearing.

This fish is so small that scientists had to use a special stereoscopic microscope to measure it. A fully mature female fish measured just 7.9 millimeters from the tip of its head to its tail, making it the world record holder, not only as the smallest fish, but also the smallest vertebrate ever found. This little newcomer nudges out the dwarf gobi, which measures a full eight millimeters on reaching maturity.

Like so many species that live in specialized environments, this little fish shows unusual features. Its rudimentary skull leaves the brain exposed, and its highly modified fins help it survive in its tough environment. The male has a thick pad on its front, which may be used to help hang on to the female during mating.

So next time you're considering the wonders of nature, remember it's important to keep your eyes open, because although you may see it now, maybe soon you won't.
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The Squeaky Clean Get Sick
Scientists are increasingly recognizing the importance of the body's immune system in fighting disease. An under-stimulated immune system can result in too few disease fighting cells. One of the ways in which we build up a strong immune system is to expose the body to more disease microbes in order to promote the production of immune cells.

The need to stimulate the immune system by priming it with germs is the key to understanding why childhood bacterial infections decrease the risk of developing certain auto-immune diseases later in life. It also explains why such diseases have been rising in developed countries, where there is decreased exposure to pathogens. People in less-developed countries are exposed to more pathogens, and thus have more stimulated immune systems.

It seems that being squeaky clean has it's drawbacks! Our understanding of the huge number of bacteria in us and our surroundings calls for a balanced approach to cleanliness. There are scores of bacteria that live and flourish in and on our bodies that do not create problems. It is only when bacteria that we need in one place like the colon, get into the wrong place that problems occur.

That's why frequent hand washing remains important. But we need to distinguish between harmless little friends and lethal foes.

So next time pay attention to hygiene, but don't get neurotic about being squeaky clean.
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yes,I agree with that point.Keep,hygiene will protect us from infection,and comfortable contact to the disease will stimulate our immune system and will protect us to some extend too.
We have been expecting comments as stalin made. I think we should encourage ...ers to make their comments in English about every issue of "listening daily" on this board.

What kind of comments that we appreciate and should encourage to make? Let's think over and expect your suggestions. Maybe through making comments we can elevate the quality of "listening daily".

Let's keep up!
The development of a baby in the early stages is, in every way, truly remarkable. The way in which a single cell grows and develops into a unique person equipped for independent life outside the womb is still a great mystery to scientists.

Among the many substances that are essential to the proper operation of this process is a substance called folic acid. It is found in foods such as liver, asparagus, spinach, lentils, peanuts, yeast and bran. Without folic acid, which the baby gets from the folic acid stored in its mother's liver, proper development of the fetus may not take place.

Women planning to have a baby should supplement their folic acid intake since it plays such a vital role in the healthy development of the baby, especially during the first few weeks. If a pregnant woman lacks this vitamin the fetus may suffer neural tube defects, of which spina bifida is the most common. The neural tube develops about a month after conception. In severe cases, spina bifida involves an exposed spinal cord, which may be so damaged that it causes paralysis of the legs.

The mother-to-be can build up her store of folic acid without supplements by eating plenty of the foods that contain significant amounts of folic acid. Some cereals and bread are now fortified with 250 parts per million of folic acid.

So next time you're admiring a baby, remember the important role folic acid had in its development.
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I am so excited learning this news!Thanks every one who enjoy my topic!
To celebrate it I record a movie----"heart attack", for everybody!
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There are some non-prescription products like Vaseline?that have stood the test of time. Vaseline?was developed and marketed in the 1870's by Robert Chesebrough. He had heard stories from the new oil fields that the waxy coating jamming up the pump rods healed the workers burns and cuts.

Chesebrough worked for some ten years distilling products from crude oil, until he obtained a clear light coloured jelly. It was odourless, but did not spoil like the lard and vegetable oils then used to treat cuts and burns. But before he could market it as a pleasant, stable, alternative to all the smelly greases and oils available in those days, he needed to make sure it was effective.

At a loss to find enough patients to test his new product, he was his own guinea pig. He cut himself and burnt himself with candles and acids, and then treated his self-inflicted sores with his new miracle jelly. Once convinced it worked, Chesebrough started visiting construction sites waiting for workers to injure themselves on the job. Finally, he started one of the first "free sample" campaigns, giving out small bottles of the product he now called "Vaseline" all over New York State.

Soon drug stores were being besieged with requests for his petroleum jelly. Within a few years Vaseline?was endorsed by the British Medical Journal "The Lancet," and eventually Chesebrough died a wealthy man, at the age of 96.

So next time you want a safe remedy consider something that's stood the test of time.
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As a short person I sometimes think it's the big guys that get all the breaks. But some recent research seems to indicate that the little guys may have the last laugh.
Recent studies with mice have shown that those deficient in growth hormone who remain half the size of normal mice, live fifty percent longer than the bigger mice. These results are counter intuitive, because in people the decline in growth hormone, which occurs naturally with age, contributes to weakened muscles, thinner bones and increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. Because of this some doctors are touting the use of human growth hormone to help build muscles and counter the effects of aging. But these new mouse studies are causing some gerontologists to suggest that having more growth hormone is not optimal for longevity.
The study showed that compared with ordinary mice the small mice experienced delayed development of osteoarthritis, cataracts and age related changes in the immune system.
Although it is unwise to assume that what happens with mice will happen with humans, some studies, including one of professional baseball players, have also concluded that taller people die younger. However the results are tentative, because longevity is complicated by many factors such as smoking and socio -economic background.
So next time you're feeling small, remember being short of the growth hormone may be your big break in life.
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Hello longen thanks for your hard work . i can not access to the net easily, so i usually download some articles and mp3 to learn . i want to know if i can also download these sound files, and how i can do that . your help will be highly appreciated.thanks again .
Pollen grains are a blessing because they play an essential role in maintaining the wonderful variety of plants, whose fruit and flowers we enjoy. It is the pollen grain that frees the seed from its dependence on the plant, and allows the plant to reproduce. Reproduction requires that pollen grains produced in the male organs of flowers, the anthers, are transferred to female plant organs, the stigma, so that the plant can produce seeds.

Pollen grains have many unique design features, including a wax coated double layered wall, strengthened by rods, which protect the sperm during its journey from anther to stigma. Pollination requires the sperm nuclei to escape through the protective wall, using specially placed apertures.

However when plants shed pollen in the spring they also bring a curse to people with allergies. The wind spreads the dust-like pollen into our noses as well as other plants. The tiny spines on the pollen surface can irritate the nose lining. And the chemicals stored in the wall to aid the plant reproduction process, can cause severe allergic reactions. These chemicals irritate the upper respiratory system, including the sinuses and the throat, and in sensitive people the pollen can attack the lungs, causing more serious problems like asthma.

So next time you get itchy eyes or sniffle and sneeze in spring, remember the pollen which causes you grief, also gives us flowers.
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dear xudi_7, thank you for paying attention to this topic! The probleme you mentioned, is very good ! You can use zhe following soft wear to record the mp3.
Most scientists assume that the process of aging can be explained, and that understanding its mechanism will enable us to control it.
There are two broad categories for theories of aging. The first claims that aging is genetically programmed in the body. It sees aging as representing the inevitable unfolding of events orchestrated by the inherited material of the organism.

The other broad category says that aging results from some form of wear and tear in the body, or is the result of various random events that occur during a life time, such as damage in body cells and tissues caused by reaction to free radical compounds.

Theories in either category can give a lot of supporting evidence, but there is still no consensus in science as to the main mechanism of aging. As is often the case, a proper understanding of aging will likely include aspects of both.

It is interesting to note that despite the wide variations in body size and life expectancy, the total number of calories burned per gram of body weight during any mammal's life span is roughly the same for all mammal species. And the heart of a 3.5 year old mouse and a 70 year old elephant will have beaten roughly the same number of times by the time each animal dies. This suggests that the life span of a mammal is somehow related to how 慺ast' the mammal burns energy.

So next time you notice another sign of old age creeping up on you, enjoy life, but remember your mortality.
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Thanks a lot, longen.
Your topics are very interesting and instructive.
We are looking forward to seeing the next topic.
can you regain the popularity? We bet you can!
olivewendy wrote:
Thanks a lot, longen.
Your topics are very interesting and instructive.
We are looking forward to seeing the next topic.
can you regain the popularity? We bet you can!

Yes, we all think so.
MPC (media player classic) could not voice the online mp3, and I found that the download mp3 file was only 57b which was too little to be a sound file.
I beg your help.
My IP belongs to CAS (china academy of science), but this might not make difference.
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