



1, 论坛提供原始录音和文本,战友们自行对照练习。
2, 熟练后,上传自己的录音。
(录音质量要求:1, 音量适度、语音清晰、语调柔和、节奏明朗。2, 单词发音准确。 3、在语句流利、自然的基础上尽量提高语速。建议录音时不要过分依赖稿子,常见句型争取脱口而出。)
3, 根据大家的录音质量,论坛给予积分奖励。



D: Hello, Miss Clark, how are you?
C: I’m not feeling too well.
D: In what way? tell me about your trouble.
C: Oh I have this real bad discharge for the past week.
D: W hat color is it?
C: I guess it’s sort of yellowish-green.
D: Do you have any pain or burning on urination?
C: Yes I have both.
D: Do you have any itching?
C: Yes that was the worst part of it. It’s really red and sore.
D: Is there anything else bothering you at this time?
C; No
D: I believe I forgot to ask you how old you are.
C: I’m fifty.
D: And when was your last period?
C: About ten years ago.
D: Have you had any bleeding since that time?
C: No, I haven’t
D: Do you have any pain on intercourse?
C: Only of the past week since the discharge began.
D: How many pregnancies have you had?
C: Two
D: Have you had any premature births or miscarriages?
C: No

16期以后没有现成的正式文本资料, 每期附带的文本资料不能保证全部正确,欢迎战友们纠错!. 谢谢!




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