


临床 临床检验结果准确、可靠是临床检验工作的首要前提。那么如何才能知道检验结果是对的呢?因此,我们做临床检验和实验,首先要了解如下方面的内容:
临床 1. 怎样去选择和评估使用的仪器试剂校准品检测方法(综合起来即为检测系统);
临床 2. 怎样去判断公司提供的产品的分析性能是否符合临床要求;
临床 3. 有了好的检测检测系统,在日常检测病人标本中,怎样用质量控制方法去揭示和控制发生的不可预料的误差?应该怎样正确使用。

临床 美国国家临床实验室标准委员会(National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, NCCLS)为全球检验医学的标准化作出了卓越的贡献。从2005年1月NCCLS已正式更名为临床和实验室标准协会(Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, CLSI)。他们提出了一系列的标准,为上述问题提供了咨询和参考。

AST2-A Point-of-Care in Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) Testing (1999.6)
AST3-A Wellness Testing Using IVD Devices (1999.2)
AST4-A Blood Glucose Testing in Settings Without Laboratory Support (1999.6)

C3-A3 Preparation and Testing of Reagent Water in the Clinical Laboratory (1997.10)
C24-A2 Statistical Quality Control for Quantitative Measurements: Principle and Definitions
C28-A2 How to Define and Determine Reference Intervals in the Clinical Laboratory (2000.6)
C29-A2 Standardization of Sodium and Potassium Ion-Selective Electrode Systems to the
Flame Photometric Reference Method (2000.10)
C30-A2 Point-of-Care Blood Glucose Testing in Acute and Chronic Care Facilities (2002.8)
C31-A2* Ionized Calcium Determinations: Precollection Variables, Specimen Choice,
Collection, and Handling (2001.6)
C34-A2 Sweat Testing: Sample Collection and Quantitative Analysis (2000.6)
C37-A Preparation and Validation of Commutable Frozen Human Serum Pools as Secondary
Reference Materials for Cholesterol Measurement Procedures (1999.11)
C38-A Control of Preparation Variation in Trace Element Determinations (1997.9)
C39-A A Designated Comparison Method for the Measurement of Ionized Calcium in Serum
C40-A Analytical Procedures for the Determination of Lead in Blood and Urine (2001.6)
C42-A Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin Testing (1996.11)
C43-A Gas Chromatography/mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) Confirmation of Drugs (2002.11)
C44-A Harmonization of Glycohemoglobin Measurements (2002.12)
C46-A Blood Gas and pH Analysis and Related Measurememnts (2001.9)

DI2-A2 Immunoprecipitin Analyses: Procedures for Evaluating the Performance of Materials.
DI3-A Agglutination Assayses: Antibody Characteristics,Methodology, Limitations,and
Clinical Validation (1993.10)

EP5-A2 Evaluation of Precision Performance of Quantative measurement methods;
Approved Guideline-Second Edition (2004.08)
EP6-A Evaluation of the Linearity of Quantative Analytical Methods (2003.4)
EP7-A Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry (2002.12)
EP9-A2 Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples (2002.9)
EP10-A2 Preliminary Evaluation of Quantitative Clinical Laboratory Methods (2002.12)
EP12-A User Protocol for Evaluation of Qualitative Test Performance (2002.8)
EP13-R Laboratory Statistics-Standard Deviation.(1995.8)
EP14-A* Evaluation of Matrix Effects (2001.3)
EP15-A* User Demonstration of Performance for Precision and Accuracy (2001.12)
EP18-A Quality Management for Unit-Use Testing (2002.12)
EP19-R A Framework for NCCLS Evaluation Protocols. (2002.6)
EP21-A Estimation of Total Analytical Error for Clinical Laboratory Methods (2003.4)

GP2-A4* Clinical Laboratory Technical Procedure Manuals (2002.4)
GP5-A2 Clinical Laboratory Waste Management (2002.4)
GP6-A Inventory Control Systems for Laboratory Supplies.(1994.2)
GP9-A Selecting and Evaluating a Referral Laboratory (1998.11)
GP10-A Assessment of the Clinical accuracy of Laboratory Tests Using Receiver Operating
Characteristics (ROC) Plots (1995.12)
GP11-A Basic Cost Accounting in the Clinical Services (1998.11)
GP14-A Labeling of Home-Use In Vitro Testing products.(1996.6)
GP15-A2* Papanicolaou Technique (2001.11)
GP16-A2* Urinalysis and Collection, Transportation, and Preservation of Urine Specimens
GP17-A Clinical Laboratory Safety.(1996.12)
GP18-A Laboratory Design (1998.4)
GP19-A2 Laboratory Instruments and Data Management Systems: Design of Software User
Interface and End-User Software Systems Validation, Operation, and Monitoring
GP20-A2 Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) Techniques (2003.10)
GP21-A Traning Verification for Laboratory Personnel.(1995.12)
GP22-A Continuous Quality Improvement: Essential Management Approaches (1999.8)
GP23-A Nongynecologic Cytologic Specimens: Collection and Cytopreparatory Techniques
GP26-A2 Application of a Quality System Model to Laboratory Services (2003.2)
GP27-A Using Proficiency Testing (PT) to Improve the Clinical Laboratory (1999.8)
GP29-A Validation of Laboratory Tests When Proficiency Testing is Not Available (2002.12)

H1-A5 Evacuated Tubes and Additives for Blood Specimen Collection—4th Edition (2003.12)
H2-A4 Reference and selected procedure for the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate(ESR) Test
H3-A5 Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture
H4- A4 Procedures and Devices for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimen by Skin
Puncture (1999.9)
H7-A3 Procedure for Determining Packed Cell Volume by the Microhematocrit Method
H11-A3 Procedures for the Collection of Arterial Blood Specimens (1999.5)
H15-A3 Reference and Selected Procedures for the quantitative Determination of Hemoglobin
in Blood (2000.12)
H17-A Determination of Serum Iron, Total Iron-Binding Capacity6 and Percent Transferrin
Saturation (1998.12)
H18-A2 Procedures for the Handling and Processing of Blood Specimens (1999.10)
H20-A Reference Leukocyte Differential Count (Proportional) and Evaluation of Instrumental
Methods (1992.3)
H21-A4 Collection, Tranport, and Processing of Blood Specimens for Coagulation testing and
General performance of Coagulation Assays (2003.12)
H26-A Performance Goals for the Internal Quality Control of Multichannel Hemotology
Analyzers (1996.12)
H30-A2* Procedure for the Determination of Fibrinogen in Plasma (2001.12)
H42-A Clinical Applications of Flow Cytometry: Quality Assurance and Immunophenotyping
of Lymphocytes (1998.12)
H43-A Clinical Applications of Flow Cytometry: Immunophenotyping of Leukemic Cells
H44-A Methods for Reticulocyte Counting( Flow Cytometry, and Supravital Dyes) (1997.10)
H45-A Performance of the Bleeding Time Test (1998.6)
H47-A One-Stage prothrombin Time (PT) Test and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
(APTT) Test. (1996.6)
H51-A Assays of von Willebrend Factor Antigen and Ristocetin Cofactor Activity (2002.9)
H52-A* Fetal Red Cell Detection (2001.12)

HS1-A A Quality System Model for Health Care (2002.8)
HS2-A Provider-Performed Microscopy Testing (2003.2)
HS4-A Application of a Quality System Model to Respiratory Services (2002.11)
HS5-A Application of a Quality System Model for Medical Imaging Services (2002.11)

I/LA-2A Quality Assurance for the Indirect Immunofluorescence Test for Autoantibodies to
Nuclear Antigen(IF-ANA);(1996.12)
I/LA6-A Detection and Quantitation of Rubella IgG Antibody: Evaluation and Performance
Criteria for muleiple Component Test Product and Specimen Handling and Use of
Test Products in the Clinical Laboratory (1997.10)
I/LA10-A Choriogonadotropin Testing:Nomenclature,Reference Preparations,Assay
Performance,and Clinical Application (1996.12)
I/LA15-P Apolipoprotein Immunoassays: Development and Recommended Performance
Characteristics (1997.9)
I/LA17-A Assessing the Quality of Systems for Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Assays Used
in Prenatal Screening and Diagnosis of Open neural Tube Defects (1997.4)
I/LA18-A2* Specifications for Immunological Testiong for Infectious Diseases (2001.9)
I/LA19-A Primary Reference Preparations Used to Standardize Calibration of Immunochemical
Assays for serum Prostate specific antigen (PSA) (1997.6)
I/LA20-A Evaluation Methods and Analytical Performance Characteristics of Immunological
Assays for Human Immunoglobulin E (Ig E) Antibodies of Defined Allegen
Specificities (1997.12)
I/LA21-A* Clinical Evaluation of Immunoassays (2002.6)

LA1-A2 Assessing the Quality of Radioimmunoassay System(1994.12)
LA4-A4 Blood Collection on Filter Paper for Neonatal Screening Programs (2003.7)

M2-A8 Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests (2003.1)
M6-A Protocols for Evaluating Dehydrated Muller-Hinton Agar (1996.12)
M7-A6 Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial Suswceptibility Tests for Bacteria That Grow
Aerobically (2003.1)
M11-A6 Methods for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Anaerobic Bacteria (2004.1)
M15-A Laboratory Diagnosis of Blood-Borne Parasitic Diseases (2000.6)
M21-A Methodology for the Serum Bactericidal Test (1999.9)
M22-A2 Quality Assurance for Commercially Prepared Microbiological Culture
Media-Second (1996.12)
M23-A2* Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing Criteria and Quality Control
Parameters (2001.5)
M24-A Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacteria,Nocariae,and Other Aerobic Actinomycetes
M26-A Methods for Determining Bactericidal Activity of Antimicrobial Agents (1999.9)
M27-A2 Reference Method for Broth Diloution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts
M28-A Procedures for the Recovery and Identification of Parasites from the Intestinal
Tract (1997.12)
M29-A2* Protection of Laboratory Workers from Occupationally Acquired Infections (2001.12)
M100-S14* Performance Standards for Antimicrobial susceptibility Testing (2004.1)

临床 为提高整个检验版块的整体水平,从今天起,我将陆续提供CLSI的EP文件,同时提供我们科室全体人员的中文翻译内容,这些文件得之不易,翻译更是科室同事的辛勤劳动的结晶,内容涉及检测系统的六大基本性能精密度、准确度、可报告范围、灵敏度、特异性的评价方法,望大家珍惜宝贵资源。同时希望各位同行参与评议和讨论共同提高我们的理论和实践水平。


临床 今天提供第一部分:精密度的评价方法

EP5-A2.part1.rar (292.97k)

我很想要这样的资料,但我看不到这份资料,能不能帮忙发一份到我邮箱。邮箱xzyhz720615@126.com 在这里先谢谢了!!

wacsd999 wrote:


【专题知识二】: CLSI替代NCCLS的介绍

临床众所周知, (美国)国家临床实验室标准委员会(National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards, NCCLS)为全球检验医学的标准化作出了卓越的贡献。从2005年1月NCCLS已正式更名为临床和实验室标准协会(Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, CLSI)。为帮助大家进一步了解CLSI,现将有关情况简介如下。

临床NCCLS至1967年成立以来,致力于“改善我们为病人所做”和为“使检验结果具有一致性”建立标准。迄今为止,NCCLS为临床实验室已提供超过160份标准和指南,涉及到当今检验医学发展的方方面面,包括保健服务(Healthcare Services)、自动化和信息学(Automation and Informatics)、临床化学和毒理学(Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology)、血液学(Hematology)、免疫学和配体分析(Immunology and Ligand Assay)、微生物学(Microbiology)、分子生物学(Molecular Biology)、床旁检测(Point-of-Care Testing)、临床实验室国家参考系统(National Reference System for the Clinical Laboratory)等。同时,NCCLS与世界相关的权威机构如国际标准化组织(ISO)、国际临床化学协会(IFCC)、国际血液学标准化委员会(ICSH)等机构密切合作,为全球的检验医学和卫生技术标准的一致性做出了不懈努力。例如,NCCLS一直参与管理ISO的临床实验室检测技术委员会(ISO Technical Committee on Clinical Laboratory Testing)和体外诊断实验系统(in vitro diagnostic test systems)(其被官方命名为ISO/TC212),并参与其标准的制定。


一、  CLSI的主要服务范围

1. 标准和指南的建立:其仍是CLSI的主要工作。在建立标准方面,CLSI除继续从事原有检验医学各领域的标准建立外,还将其服务范围扩展如下:(1)建立保健服务指南,如2004年10月建立的标准HS 1-A2:保健质量管理系统模式(A Quality Management System Model for Health Care);(2)临床服务标准,如2004年10月建立的指南HS 6-A:病人(治疗)结果评估的研究(Studies to Evaluate Patient Outcomes); (3)临床和实验室服务标准,如2004年7月建立的标准 H 49A:抗凝治疗的床旁监测(Point-of-Care Monitoring of Anticoagulation Therapy)等。CLSI希望通过标准和指南的建立,达到以下目的:(1)改善保健服务机构、医学检验、临床和其他实验室的工作质量;(2)有益于公共卫生、安全和福利;(3)促进保健服务机构、医学检验、临床和其他实验室的相互交流和理解。

2. 与其他国际组织的合作: CLSI通过与其他国际权威机构一起合作,制定保健服务机构、医学检验、临床和其他实验室的相关标准和指南;并促进已建立的标准和指南的使用;评价其在实践过程中的有效性。同时我们注意到,在以CLSI批准2005年生效的标准和指南中,将以前NCCLS的四类标准—通过标准(Approved, A)、提议标准(Proposed, P)、暂定标准(Tentative, T)和报告(Report, R)中A的一部分标准以FDA(美国食品与药物管理局)进行标识,表明该类标准已通过FDA的认可;另有一些标准是以“星条旗”标识,表明该类标准正在申请美国国家标准,使其更具权威性。


二、  CLSI的组织机构(图1)


临床为了保持NCCLS更名为CLSI后的延续性,CLSI的网址目前仍用原来NCCLS的网址hppt://www.nccls.org;但是,CLSI的咨询邮箱和执行办公室的邮箱已分别变为info@clsi.org 和exoffice@clsi.org 。同时,CLSI仍用原来的NCCLS的办公地址,即940 West Valley Road, Suite 1400 Wayne, PA 19087, USA。


图1 CLSI的组织结构
screen.width-333)this.width=screen.width-333" width=435 height=595 title="Click to view full SpxImage.png (435 X 595)" border=0 align=absmiddle>

应广大同行和...er要求提供上面三个实验室认可的标准蓝皮书,分别为ISO15189 、ISO17511、ISO18153的中文译本,均加密10分,初级DXYER不要通过EMAIL向我索取,对不起,请大家努力做出贡献争分!10分其实很容易!
[您无权限看这个帖子,您的积分需要大于 8]
在此处贴出NCCLS的标准文件GP29:GP29-Validation of Laboratory Tests When Proficiency Testing is Not Available (2002.12),望大家仔细阅读,参与讨论,另希望版主将战友那一帖的内容转到本精华贴来以节省资源!谢谢!由于标准文件来之不易,依然在下贴加密3分!大家谅解,多多参与讨论获得积分!

.pdf_fn=document-frame.htm&f=templates&2.part1.rar (292.97k)


如何做好质量控制.ppt (283.5k)
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