
【讨论】 我来美国2年后的困惑

从另一方面讲,出来看看还是非常值得的。美国科研体系比较完善,经费也比中国多得多,虽然近几年经济不景气,但各个大学还是有不少教授获得NIH基金资助,一个RO-1基金就是100万。实验室设备先进,最主要的是每个课题的负责人是真正想做些东西出来,他们每天上班就是读文献,写文章,写标书,对整个实验室进展了如指掌,他们大多数是PhD 和/或 MD毕业经过多年postdoctoral训练后才拿到faculty 位置的,所以科研基本功扎实,跟着他们的确能学到很多东西。在研究某个课题时总要了解世界最新进展,总要用到层出不穷的最新技术,在不断学习过程中觉得读那么多年书值,并且还想要不断读下去。

还有出路问题。在这里做postdoctoral 的出路在那里?一般postdoctoral做5年,在这5年里尽量built up, 如国顺利找个faculty 位置就相对稳定,但这是非常难的,除了努力还有运气的成分,只有少数人才有这样的机会。其他的postdoctoral后来都去干什么了?可能有些进生物公司,还有很多就不得而知了。考美国的医生执照也是一条路,也非常难,作为外国人将来拿到执照后能有多少病源也很难讲,不论做科学或做医生,肯定要比美国人付出多得多才能立足。

good luck!

野原 wrote:

写的好!这才是真实的感觉。祝你好运! Good luck!

Jinguxiong wrote:


Dear All:

This is indeed a good narrative of your first two-year experiences in the US.

Everyone who came here could tell almost the same story as yours. There were initial excitements after being granted an US visa; there was the feeling of being a total stranger when you boarded the flight that brought you cross the Pacific Ocean to this unfamiliar country; there was that huge cultural shook “paralyzed” you when you tried to perform your daily routines; there was a long while that you could not understand what others saying or could not pick up the right words to express yourself. Whatever your head turned, there were difficulties, obstacles and barriers.

The only thing that could soothe your feeling of uneaseness and anxiety was to have a countryman that you could chat with, or get on the phone with your family or significant others.

But all these dreadful sentiments will be eased if one could pass the initial “shook” in a relatively short period of time. Making friends, playing hard after work, or traveling and visiting friends when there is professional meeting around are very effective ways to get out of the situation of being “lonely”. There are two “milestones”, as I call them, during your stay in the US. One is to learn how to drive and get a driver’s license, the other is to get a credit card. With these two things in hands, your eyes will be able to see more, and the distance will not be a major obstacle that prevents you from reach.

As to what career path you will choose, everyone will have a different pick. Nothing could be blamed if someone chooses to stay, or, on the other hand, a bright future may be ahead if one is firm in going back. Whatever route one selects, diligently efforts will eventually prevails.

Coming to the US for a short trip of visiting, or studying and working for your career advancement, or seeking for a long term stay could be a very good experience or adventure in one’s life. It will definitely be filled with stories of excitement, struggling, and joy that will inspire you and others who were told for a long time.

Glad to read your story that definitely made an echo in my mind. If anyone has the similar, please share with us.

P.S. It seems Jinguxiong’s comments were a bit of too pessimistic. No matter where you are, working in the field of basic research or clinical practice, it will always be an experience-gaining process, especially when you are still young. Set up your goal and put up you efforts toward it, you will be rewarded no matter either you’re there (in China) or here (in the US).

Good Luck.

xatrixer wrote:
Whatever route one selects, diligently efforts will eventually prevails.

No matter where you are, working in the field of basic research or clinical practice, it will always be an experience-gaining process, especially when you are still young.

Set up your goal and put up you efforts toward it, you will be rewarded no matter either you’re there (in China) or here (in the US).

I totally agree with xatrixer.
I have read many posts writen by xatrixer, and really have learned a lot.

Thanks a lot

good luck!
现今,出国的人日子都不怎么好过,心情也都大同小异。xatrixer 前辈现在是功成名就,给出了很多宝贵经验,我们应该表示感谢。但毕竟时代不同了。80年代,对签证官来说,要想拒签一个有博士学位的中国人,就象从自己身上锯掉一块肉一样艰难,可现在?那个时候出国的人,也很容易得到绿卡,解决身份,干道现在,起码也都是小头目了。就是在那个时候偷渡出国的没有文化的人,现在都成了腰缠万贯,开奔驰,宝马的大老板了。




xatrixer wrote:
There are two “milestones”, as I call them, during your stay in the US. One is to learn how to drive and get a driver’s license, the other is to get a credit card. With these two things in hands, your eyes will be able to see more, and the distance will not be a major obstacle that prevents you from reach.

How come these two "significant" things are thought as "milestone" by you, xatrixer? I am a learner's permit so far although I have been in US for couples of years and kept on renewing it. The reason is as simple as that I don't like to drive. I thought the very one "milestone" was "communication". Though this was not tough to conquer, I really found a quite different world and owned an enthusiastic exciting once passing this barrier. Thus I thought what makes "milestone" is up to a personnel.

在这个论坛里了解到更多有关出国留学人员的想法,也看到了Fang CY 发的关于中国留学生死穴的贴子,觉得跟网上的天涯沦落人谈谈非常亲切。



我同意Fang CY朋友的观点,要出来还是尽量早,年轻适应性强,在美国积累几年到三十来岁基本可以在美国安居乐业了。

那些没上了贼船同学,现在也是毕竟郁闷:处于医院的最底层,很是辛苦。外科的夜班上2 ~3台手术是常事,儿科的急诊最高可收到13个病人。收入在我们看来不错,但是在他们工资14级表上,他们排到了倒数第二。虽然他们也在佛山买了房子,但是也还是想跳出来镀金。

P.S. It seems Jinguxiong’s comments were a bit of too pessimistic. No matter where you are, working in the field of basic research or clinical practice, it will always be an experience-gaining process, especially when you are still young. Set up your goal and put up you efforts toward it, you will be rewarded no matter either you’re there (in China) or here (in the US).

Good Luck.

After read the reply of yours, I think that some vital important things have been ignored.
Firstly, I do not believe that all the people who come from China to USA have the same experience or/and feeling fluctuation. some might have accustomed to the new existence environment, but some might have not at all.
Secondly, to get credit card and drive license are nothing, at least , it is very easy. Thus, it should not be put on the table. even though you think that the more cities or scence one visits, the more experience he will have. As a matter of fact, the national atmosphere are the same everywhere, just like to compare Hangzhou with Shanghai. The feeling of the second-class citizen will be the greatest question about our face.
eventually, the most serious and unbearable thing is the aloneness. I do not the long-term staying abroad is so good as we planned. what you have said is right that the advance techniques and excellent scientifc training will benefit to us, but to my knowledge, the strongly competitive work pressure unavoidably results in more pessimistic mood that optimistic one.
Just my private feeling, may be not right and welcome to any suggestions and corrections.
anyway , good luck to all of us

xatrixer edited on 2004-11-24 23:10
Fang CY wrote:


I 'm very glad I read some good articles here. I can't help typing what my thinking, if you don't agree with me, just take what I write as a nonsense.
When I entered the university, I was very disapointed for the university was completely as what I thought, it very bad , very limited resourses, little freedom, so that cause a strong will on me to go abroad. However I tried many ways I still can't go abroad, finally I get the chance, it seemed so easy now, and some of my collegue now, will soon become a professor or at least a senior scientist in their own country, it very easy to me getting a research scholar position, but i decided i will never try to seek such position again. What changed my thoughts so much? What i consider I persue so much finally change into nothing. There are many reasons, something is not easily to got often cause great desire; my age changed so i have more life experience than the past; my living enviroment is much better than the past; the most important my will of striving hard is greatly attenuated after work and have a family; my research thinking and ability is not compared as ph.D student here, this often made me very frustrated and susbicious about whether I can be successful or not in the research.
I think what made me worried about most is seemed there are several choices I have no uncertainty which one is the brightest. Ihis include a philosephy opinion, what we live for? There are two answers: one is live for how to survive, the other is for how to survive well. of course there questions abount these two answers, but I 'm not a philosepher, if you think deeper, it will made me more pessimic. Most of us have sovled the problems of how to survive who browse this page, so there is only one question left, how to survive well? I think many persons ask many times in a day of this question, perhaps in diffrent ways. And many small questions compose this one question. including how to earn more money, perform well in one's own job(also have interest in what he is doing), less pressure, less effort, how to earn respect from others, got good relationship.
So i classified the goal into the five categries of the persons of my kinds:
1 be an officer: lower officer, money average or less, pressure less, risk less,enjoy less; higher officer, money much, pressure high, risk high, enjoy high.
2 be a professor of a hospital: money average or much, pressure average or hign, risk average, enjoy avrage.
3 be a drug sales manager: money much,pressure hign,risk average, enjoy hign
4 be a reseach professor in US or 2nd boss in European countries, money much, pressure high, risk average, enjoy average.
5 be a sweeper in abroad, money less,pressure less, risk less, enjoy less.
let me explain: what your goal is hign, you effot you pay is much, the pressure is much.
lower officer , head of medical dpartment or reaseach department; higher offcer, dean of the hospital, headmaster of the university. to be a sweeper aboad? in fact, I really know some persons have a high education as a sweeper here, they seem transiently satisfyed with the position , frankly speaking , the job even is not easy to get. I never see small of them, they have a really less burden like us.
More choices, cause infilct . But it is much better than no choice.
So I think it is important to work hard and learn more and use our intelectual when we are young in our country. For it is difficult to go up, it is easy to fall down. When your main goal is fullfied, it will always make you happy. In our country , the people are not equal, when you are in a low position, you will feel not happy. In foreign country, people are comparative eaqual than us. When you choose a job of sweeper , althougn he has a low social position but compare with the proffessors, they take the effort and pessure.
Some of my collegue will never be professors, but they still feel happy.
That 's my opinion.
to agree with you and support to you !!!
Shizhou ,I can not understand you.

I continue to express my opinion here, I consider that it's very important to decide whether or not you should to go aboad (the aim to go aboad), what time , which country, it's deserve to take the effort and time to go aboad.
According to my observation, most persons staying aboad are not very well. I believe many persons strive hard to survive. thinking all day how to sustain staying, the contract is coming near, how to find a job to have a higher salary.
So what's your aim to go aboad, i often meet some person they have no or very vague aim. It's really bad. I admit, we can't see very clearly what our future, but at least we have some aim, that cause us persue strongly. According my experience, what you are learning or the technique you ahve mastered , if after 5 or 10 years, you will enjoy from it when you do the same job. so my advice is, when you do well now in our country, you just need a short time to improve you. So you must choose the lab, the country. If you do very bad, it's not in ugence to go outside. You must think very clearly. You can't solve the problem outside. Someone they want go aboad crazely, they go to a country thae never know, e.g Norway, very wealthy country, I consider it's the No.1 wealthiest per person GDP. But living in Norway is very expensive, a pizza 120yuan, hotdog 40 yuan and the renting... If you take your own money, it will soon run out, if you want to find a temperary job, very little people, very little chance, and some good job need speaking Nowagien. So think think and think before going aboad, everyone in his own mind is very important, so don't waste time. money, energy.
So we need select before we going aboad, which lab is the most important, you must find the lab is suit for you, some are clinical lab, they often have fixed technique, in this area they do very well, they often publish artilce in special articles, the IF is not high. some lab in basical reseach, maybe have very high research levels , but you must find you are competive or not. And also before go outside, you must master the basic lab tecnique, read literatures in this field, that will save a lot of time after you arrived. And also you need a very strong interest and enthsiasm to do reseach work, in forein lab, most technique are available, you needn't worry about technique. The most important thing is what to do. So catch up with the literature and very famililar with it is what we should do.

zhaoju2000 wrote:





在一个小县城,周围是和煦的阳光,和轻柔的音乐,面前是咖啡,外面是江景,看Shizhou谈what we live for和the aim to go aboad,sheenhl谈身在他乡为异客,xatrixer谈two milestones,呵呵

所以,“唐·马西诺”在《西西里人》里说:Life is hard.
Totally agree with most of your words. I have been to America for three months(spounsored by our government, J-1), and will stay here for another nine months. I will come back to China even if I have chance to stay. The most important thing in my mind is learn some techniques here and live in our own country. You can enjoy your life and work only by this way because of the different culture and custom.
hi you are luckier than me .i don't know any japanese.but i come to japan.it is so difficult fo rme to live here.



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