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Do you feel the pain at the top of your head?
Do you feel any pain in your temples?
Is the pain around your eyes?
Is the pain at the back of your head?
Do you have any pain in your forehead?
Does the pain move to your face?
Do you feel any pain around your ears?
Does the pain spread to your neck?
Does the pain seem to be coming from your neck?
Does the pain travel your shoulders?

Can you point out the painful area?
How long does the headache last when you get it?
Can you describe the (nature of the) pain?
When you get the headache does anything happen at the same time?
What do you do when you get the headache?
Have you found any medicine that seems to have helped?
Does anybody else in your family have this type of /a/ headache?

Tell me about your headache.
It comes and goes.
Can you point out the painful area?
It seems to be on the right side of my head.
How long does the headache last when your get it (it comes)?
It varies, it can be between half an hour and four or five hours
When you get a headache, does anything else happen at the same times?
Yes, often I feel sick (I am often nauseous ). Sometimes I actually vomit (throw up ).
Does the headache ever upset your eyes, for example, does your vision get blurred?
It is not blurry, but I get flashing lights that seem to be in the right eye.
What do you do when you get headache?
Well, I am not usually able to carry on with what I’m doing. /I usually have to stop whatever I’m doing/. I have to go to a dark room and lie down.
Have you found any tablets (medication ) that seem/s/ to have helped?
Sometimes if I take an aspirin early on, it seems to help, at other times nothing seems to help much.
Does anybody else in your family have this type of headache?
Yes, my mother used to suffer from migraine when she was younger.
Can you describe/the character of/ the pain? Is it stabbing or more band-like, kind of pressing?
It is throbs, sort of stabbing, I suppose (I guess).

《医学英语开口说》第3期――录音资料 part 1

0301.rar (353.56k)
《医学英语开口说》第3期――录音资料 part 2

0302.rar (408.42k)
《医学英语开口说》第3期――录音资料 part 3

0303.rar (363.99k)


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