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1 题目 Transplantation of preconditioned schwann cells in peripheral nerve grafts after contusion in the adult spinal cord. Improvement of recovery in a rat model.
作者 Rasouli A, Bhatia N, Suryadevara S, Cahill K, Gupta R.
出版情况 J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006 Nov;88(11):2400-10.
PMID: 17079397
2 题目The low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein is a pro-survival receptor in Schwann cells: possible implications in peripheral nerve injury.
作者 Campana WM, Li X, Dragojlovic N, Janes J, Gaultier A, Gonias SL.
出版情况 J Neurosci. 2006 Oct 25;26(43):11197-207.
PMID: 17065459
3 题目An in vivo analysis of Schwann cell programmed cell death in embryonic mice: the role of axons, glial growth factor, and the pro-apoptotic gene Bax.
作者 Winseck AK, Oppenheim RW.
出版情况 Eur J Neurosci. 2006 Oct;24(8):2105-17. Epub 2006 Oct 17.
PMID: 17042795
4 题目Necrotic neuronal cells induce inflammatory Schwann cell activation via TLR2 and TLR3: implication in Wallerian degeneration.
作者 Lee H, Jo EK, Choi SY, Oh SB, Park K, Kim JS, Lee SJ.
出版情况Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Nov 24;350(3):742-7. Epub 2006 Sep 28.
PMID: 17027917
5 题目Synergistic effect of schwann cells and retinoic acid on differentiation and synaptogenesis of hippocampal neural stem cells in vitro
作者 Zhang XB, Zeng YS, Zhang W, Chen YY, Zhang W, Xiong Y, Chen SJ.
出版情况 Biomed Environ Sci. 2006 Jun;19(3):219-24.
PMID: 16944780
6 题目Failure of Schwann cells as supporting cells for adult neural progenitor cell grafts in the acutely injured spinal cord.
作者 Vroemen M, Caioni M, Bogdahn U, Weidner N.
出版情况 Cell Tissue Res. 2006 Aug 29;
PMID: 16941122
7 题目Schwann cell-like differentiation by adult oligodendrocyte precursor cells following engraftment into the demyelinated spinal cord is BMP-dependent.
作者 Talbott JF, Cao Q, Enzmann GU, Benton RL, Achim V, Cheng XX, Mills MD, Rao MS, Whittemore SR.
出版情况 Glia. 2006 Aug 15;54(3):147-59.
PMID: 16921543
8 题目Microcontact printing of laminin on oxygen plasma activated substrates for the alignment and growth of Schwann cells.
作者 Wang DY, Huang YC, Chiang H, Wo AM, Huang YY.
出版情况 J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2006 Jul 21;
PMID: 16862562
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