

transhold wrote:
这是一家TORCH八个品种:tox igg,igm;cmv igg,igm; hsv1+2 igg,igm;RV igg,igm均通过FDA和CE认证的公司:美国ZEUS公司的产品,详细资料可以EMAIL:transhold@citiz.net进行索取!或登陆www.zeusscientific.com该公司主页中也有详细的说明书和NCCLS格式的文件可以下载!
产品也用的是间接法,八个品种操作相同,据说igm检测也用了去除igg和RF的手段。我摘录了一段TOXO igm 的临床考核数据,不知各位大虾们如何评价该产品?另该公司有标准血清出售,是与WHO标准进行直接溯源的。

我在中的package insert 之intended use 中看到了以下一段话:
The Zeus Scientific, Inc. Toxo IgM ELISA test system is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) designed for the presumptive qualitative detection of IgM antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in human serum, and for the presumptive diagnosis of acute, recent, or reactive Toxoplasma gondii infection. This test is for in vitro diagnostic use. This product is not FDA cleared (approved) for use in testing (i.e., screening) blood or plasma donors. This assays performance has not been established for screening of prenatal women or newborns.
大家注意看最后一句话: This product is not FDA cleared (approved) for use in testing (i.e., screening) blood or plasma donors. This assays performance has not been established for screening of prenatal women or newborns.
表明:1、我们这个试剂未经FDA批准用做筛查献血员; 2、我们这个试剂用于筛查孕妇和新生儿的有关检测性能还没有建立。试想一下我们做TORCH检测的主要目的就是用于筛查孕妇和新生儿的,如果这个不能做,我们还要它做什么。不过,老外也还好说清楚了什么能做,什么你做了我不负责任。
elm80tree wrote:


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limedical1974 wrote:

我不是妇产科的,但是这次陪亲戚复查这个弓形体深有体会:所有检查患者只能做全套 Torch ,而不能选择性复查其中的一种或两种。而且检查结果不一,给孕妇造成很大精神和经济负担。

The detection of Toxoplasma-specific antibodies is the primary diagnostic method to determine infection with Toxoplasma. Toxoplasma antibody detection tests are performed by a large number of laboratories with commercially available kits.

An algorithm for the immunodiagnosis of toxoplasmosis for individuals greater than one year of age is shown in the following figure. The IFA and EIA tests for IgG and IgM antibodies are the tests most commonly used today. Persons should be initially tested for the presence of Toxoplasma-specific IgG antibodies to determine their immune status. A positive IgG titer indicates infection with the organism at some time. If more precise knowledge of the time of infection is necessary, then an IgG positive person should have an IgM test performed by a procedure with minimal nonspecific reactions, such as IgM-capture EIA. A negative IgM test essentially excludes recent infection, but a positive IgM test is difficult to interpret because Toxoplasma-specific IgM antibodies may be detected by EIA for as long as 18 months after acute acquired infection.
A major problem with Toxoplasma-specific IgM testing is lack of specificity. Two situations occur frequently: i) persons with a positive IgM but negative IgG, and ii) individuals with positive IgG and IgM results. In the first situation, a positive IgM result with a negative IgG result in the same specimen should be viewed with great suspicion; the patient's blood should be redrawn two weeks after the first and tested together with the first specimen. If the first specimen was drawn very early after infection, the patient should have highly positive IgG and IgM antibodies in the second sample. If the IgG is negative and the IgM is positive in both specimens, the IgM result should be considered to be a false positive and the patient should be considered to be not infected. In the second situation, a second specimen should be drawn and both specimens submitted together to a reference lab which employs a different IgM testing system for confirmation. Prior to initiation of patient management for acute toxoplasmosis, all IgM positives should be verified by a reference lab with experience in toxoplasmosis such as CDC or the Toxoplasmosis Serology Lab, Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, CA.

Newborn infants suspected of congenital toxoplasmosis should be tested by both an IgM- and an IgA-capture EIA. Detection of Toxoplasma-specific IgA antibodies is more sensitive than IgM detection in congenitally infected babies. None of the current commercial assays offered in the United States have been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration for in vitro diagnostic use for infants; consequently, all specimens from neonates suspected of having congenital toxoplasmosis should be sent to the Toxoplasma Serology Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA which has the most experience with infant testing.

Serological determination of active central nervous system toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised patients is not possible at this time. Toxoplasma-specific IgG antibody levels in AIDS patients often are low to moderate, but occasionally no specific IgG antibodies can be detected. Tests for IgM antibodies are generally negative.

Several commercial kits for Toxoplasma serologic testing are available. However, the sensitivity and specificity of these kits may vary widely from one commercial brand to another. This is of concern because serology results can influence decisions on continuation or termination of pregnancies
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以下是FDA CDRH中关于Toxoplasma IgM 诊断试剂LIMITATION的一些建议:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising physicians that they should not use the result from any one Toxoplasma IgM commercial test kit as the sole determinant of recent Toxoplasma infection when screening a pregnant patient. Because these tests can have false-positive results, reliance on a single test result could lead to misdiagnosis, resulting in unnecessary treatment of the patient and/or termination of the pregnancy.

Background Information
Anti-Toxoplasma IgM commercial test kits are used to screen pregnant women to determine recent maternal Toxoplasma infection that might place the fetus at risk for toxoplasmosis. The kits contain reagents used to detect antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in serum, and were cleared by FDA as an aid in the diagnosis of recently acquired infections which are often without signs or symptoms.

FDA has recently become aware of inaccurate test results from clinical reference laboratories, proficiency testing surveys, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the scientific literature. As a result, FDA's Microbiology Devices Advisory Panel recommended that the Agency conduct a pilot study to assess the potential inaccuracy of these commercial test kits and alert the medical community if necessary. Results from the pilot study conducted by FDA and CDC clearly indicated that test kit specificity varies greatly and further study is warranted. At present, the feasibility of additional research is being considered and the FDA is working with the manufacturers of the test kits to provide appropriate labeling information.

Physicians are advised to interpret the results of anti-Toxoplasma IgM tests with caution. They should not rely on any single test result as the sole determinant in diagnosing recently acquired infection and deciding on further medical action. If acute infection is suspected, a patient sample should be tested for the presence of Toxoplasma-specific IgG and IgM antibodies. The results should be interpreted using the suggested algorithm for interpretation provided in the accompanying table. The decision to treat or to undertake other medical interventions, including the termination of pregnancy, should be based on clinical evaluation and additional testing performed in reference or research laboratories with experience in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.
General Guidelines for Interpretation of Toxoplasma gondii Serology Results:
(1)Igg Result(Negative),Igm result(Negative),Report/interpretation for all except infants :No serologic evidence of infection with Toxoplasma gondii.
(2)Igg Result(Negative),Igm result(Equivocal),Report/interpretation for all except infants :Possible early acute infection or false-positive IgM reaction. Obtain a new specimen for IgG and IgM testing. If the new specimen result remains the same, the patient is probably not infected with Toxoplasma gondii.
(3)Igg Result(Negative),Igm result(Positive),Report/interpretation for all except infants :Possible acute infection or false-positive IgM result. Obtain a new specimen for IgG and IgM testing. If results from the second specimen remain the same, the IgM reaction is probably a false-positive.
(4)Igg Result(Equivocal),Igm result(Negative),Report/interpretation for all except infants :Indeterminate: obtain a new specimen for testing or retest this specimen for IgG in a different assay.
(5)Igg Result(Equivocal),Igm result(Equivocal),Report/interpretation for all except infants :Indeterminate: obtain a new specimen for both IgG and IgM testing.
(6)Igg Result(Equivocal),Igm result(Positive),Report/interpretation for all except infants :Possible acute infection with Toxoplasma gondii. Obtain a new specimen for IgG and IgM testing. If results with the new specimen remain the same or the IgG becomes positive, both specimens should be sent to a reference laboratory with experience in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.
(7)Igg Result(Positive),Igm result(Positive),Report/interpretation for all except infants :Infected with Toxoplasma gondii for more than one year.
(8)Igg Result(Positive),Igm result(Equivocal),Report/interpretation for all except infants :Infected with Toxoplasma gondii for probably more than one year or false-positive IgM reaction. If results from the second specimen remain the same, both specimens should be sent to a reference laboratory with experience in toxoplasmosis.
(9)Igg Result(Positive),Igm result(Positive),Report/interpretation for all except infants :Possible recent infection within the last 12 months. Send the specimen to a reference laboratory with experience in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.

NOTE: Spiramycin, which is not FDA approved, is manufactured by Rhone-Poulenc Pharmaceuticals and available via individual investigator IND for treatment of pregnant women with toxoplasmosis. As part of this program the company strongly encourages requesting physicians to submit samples for toxoplasmosis testing to Dr. Jack Remington's laboratory in Palo Alto, California. Information on the Spiramycin program is available by calling the Division of Special Pathogens and Immunologic Drug products at FDA at (301) 827-2335.
NOTE: This table was originally developed at FDA/CDRH and refined in cooperation with Jack Remington, MD of the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and the CDC.
elm80tree wrote:
本人从事临床TORCH血清学检验二年多,对国内检验科或妇产科的TORCH血清学检测现状有一些了解,也参加过一些卫临检中心的QA以及美国CAP的anti-toxoplasma igg质评。自已也碰到了不少问题,曾在弓形虫病感染的血清学诊断上载过跟头,因此,对弓形虫病感染的血清学诊断有一些了解,ANTI-TOXPLASMA,IGM/IGG,ELISA/金标法 KIT,国内外试剂皆不稳定,既使是FDA认可的试剂,结果也不敢保证。为了客观评价ANTI-TOXOPLASMA GONDII SEROLOGICAL RERULTS ,FDA特别在1999年提出了一个:FDA Public Health Advisory: Limitations of Toxoplasma IgM Commercial Test Kits,同时美国NCCLS了制定了:clinical use and interpretation of serological toxoplasma gondii ;proposed guideline(M36-P)。目前,国内较好的商业化的ANTI-TOXOPLASMA IGG,为珠海海泰药业的,已有国家批号,而国产的ANTI-TOXOPLASMA IGM,可能尚无质量过得去的商业化的ELISA KIT,更别说金标了。最经典参考方法的ANTI-TOXOPLASMA 检测方法是SABIN-FELDMAN DYE TEST。在美国有专门从事TOXOPLASMOSIS DIAGNOSIS REFERENCE LAB:。在美国所有其他实验室检测的TOXOPLASMA SEROLOGICAL POSITIVE RESULTS SHOULD BE SENT TO THEM TO VERIFY。

furong_sun wrote:

anti-toxoplasma 的标准化的重大进展,第四代标准物质的出现.

ion for Human Anti-Toxoplasma Immunoglobulin G.pdf (79.43k)

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