
推荐:Agilent e-seminar series on DNA Micro

1. Start from April 5 for one week
Subtitle: Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH)/aCGH

Agilent Technologies has developed a comprehensive curriculum of e-seminars related to aCGH. The 60 minute e-seminars are designed to deliver relative information that can accelerate your research. Simply click following links.

Oncogenomic analyses of mouse and human tumors by Lynda Chin, M.D. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
请听完讲座的会员给出您的评论或者问题(评论可用中文,但提问请用英文),我们反馈给Agilent的相关主讲人——Lynda Chin,Jeff P. Gregg,Richard A. Young等人,然后主讲人针对会员的问题进行专门的解答。



Dear Lynda/Jeff/Richard(你自己选择一个人)
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. Thank you for your talk!
My question is: .................................................

Thank you!
Sincerely, 你的用户名ID

Dear Lynda,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. Thank you for your talk!
My question is: how to improve the sharpness of separation in CGH/aCGH.
Thank you!
Sincerely, liangsun
Dear Lynda
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. Thank you for your talk!
My question is: Could you give us a brief introduction of the different useful applications of CGH/aCGH in cell biology?
Thank you!
Sincerely, Victor001
Dear Richard A. Young,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. Thank you for your excellent presentation! i am very interested in the fields.
My question is:would you mind introducing new progression of chip-on-chip in cardiology especialy in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injur?
Thank you!
Dear Lynda,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. Thank you for your talk!
My question is: what is the advantage in quality control of Agilent chip?
How do you design the control gene sequence and the reason is ????
Dear Lynda,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. It's nice to listen to you presentation and thank you very much. While i had ever applied Agilent microarray platform for the research of gene expression profile in human cancers.

My question is: what is the difference between Agilent gene expression micoarray and CGH Genome Arrays? Can we apply gene expression profile microarray for the study of CGH? Otherwise, what's the difficulties or the obstacles in the application?

Thank you!
Sincerely, zhoujueyu
Dear Lynda,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. I am glad to be here for this talking.

My question is: what is the realistic significance of CGH/aCGH ?
Thank you!
Sincerely, lvk315
Dear Lynda,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. It's nice to listen to you talk and thank you very much.

My question is: What is use of CGH/aCGH in the study of hepatoma? Would you mind give me a brief introduction for how to control the quality of CGH/aCGH if i use this technology in experiment? What is the sticking point in using of CGH/aCGH?

Thank you!
Sincerely, wujianli2000
Dear Jeff
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. your speach is so exciting!
i had got some messages on the dna chip in neurology !i am interested in
the dnachip .
My question is: will the dna chip technology develop only a
tool or it would be an industry? will it be like the computer chip ?create a lot of
and another question : i want to apply the dna chip in the epilepsy study ,
can u give me some suggestions?

Thank you very much! !
Sincerely, cgessmu
Dear Lynda,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. I'm gald to listen to your talk and thank you very much.
My question is:
Generally, what is the pH condition in which a 1000bp DNA molecular will be negative? And what is lower limit of the pH?
This question seems to so simple that it need not to be answer, but it is now a question that I must find the answer for my subsequent work. So I do hope you give me some advice.

Thank you!
Sincerely, luckeky
Dear Lynda,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. I'm gald to listen to your talk and thank you very much.
My question is:
What is the difference between DNA and RNA microarray

Thank you!
Sincerely, summersunsun
Dear Jeff,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. Thank you for your talk!
My question is: can ChIP-on-chip help scientist to find the "dys-gene"?And what about its application perspective in cancer,cardiovascular disease and centre nervous system disorder.Thank you!
Sincerely, liangsun
Dear Jeff,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China.First I show my deep admiration to you for your pround research.
As we know ,gene-chip, a current hot-spot accompanied by genomics,has provided us a new approach into recognizing the mechanism of cancers.Moreover,it is a perfect complement for previous cancer-research because of its highthroughput.
However,I learn a lot new information from your work in Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders instead of in tumors.
So my questions are as following.
1.In your opinion,how do we correlate or combine the non-experimental investigation with the real-experiment,that is to say,how do you think of the reliability and availability of biochips?
2."All roads lead to Rome."Considering about the superiority of the CHIPs,If Biochips can almost or utmost take the place of general biological experiments?
3.How to establish a bioinformation or system-biology platform as soon as possible based on unenough research funds in China?
I am greatly interested in ONE tumor's gene expression research.I wonder if you are so warm-hearted as to give me some informations or materials or methods or only for communications with email(book44e@126.com).Then ,we can exchange ideas each other.
Looking forward to recieveing your email-reply.
Thanks a lot.

Yours Sincerely,
Dear Jeff,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China.First I will say thank you very much for your talk!
my question is that will gene-chip play a important roll as tumour-mark today in the diagnosis for tomour in a few years?
Dear Lynda,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. Thank you for your talk!
I have two questions, one question is the definition of the peak content;another question is : we know that the range of 1200'column temperature is from 10 degrees centigrade below room temperature to 100 degree centigrade ,what the differences of between 1100 and 1200 in column temperature?

Thank you!
Sincerely, dickwang2008
Dear Richard
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. i am glad to listen ur talk,Thank you for your talk!
My question is:
1. when we use the biochip to analyze the gene, which genechip should we chance?
2. its sensitivity is limited ,and we how to develop it in the future .
3. now the chip industy still have not one standard , whose result is worth being
trusted ?
4. now , microarrays do not provide information regarding cellular localization of the
detected changes in gene expression , what will we do next stage ?
looking forward to your reply .
Thank you very much !
Sincerely, when snowing

Dear Lynda ,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. Thanks a lot for your perfect report.
my question is which cDNA chip can i select , i want to study the genesis and progres of the endometrial cancer by cDNA chip ,but i don't known i would select the 17k or 47k.what can i do ?
looking forward your help thank you

Dear Lynda ,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. Thanks a lot for your perfect report.
my question is if i study the expression of gene about cell cycle and apoptosis in endometrial cancer by aDNA chip which materials should i choose ? is the endometrial cancer cell lines or the biopsy from the patients when surgical operation ,which one is the best? why?
looking forward to your reply
Thank you for your attention !
Sincerely, plx96(plx96@163.com)
Dear Richard,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. Thank you for your exciting speech.
My question is :
1,According to your introduction,if there is a available program of longevity-related geneomic reseach by using (CGH)/aCGH ?
2,As well known,there are comprehensive correlationgs between oncology (especially oncogenomic) and gerontology(especially so called longevity gene) ,but how do we exploring the possible same genomic mechanisim between oncogenesis and senescence by chip program?
3,With the improving application of chipping engineering ,whether the traditional biomethod for SSCP,SNP,RFLP can be exactally instead of by your advocating chipping method?
Looking forward to your suggestion,
Thank you again!
xhz717 (E-mail: zcv224@56.com)
Dear Lynda,
I am a member of DXY academic forum in China. I am very interesting to biology.Thank you for your talk.
My question is how to use the genbank for scanning quickly the abnormal expression have gotten gene by microarray ,especially novel gene .

Thank you!
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