

12. Nutritional status of outpatients with systemic immunoglobulin light-chain amyloidosis 1
Am J Clin Nutr 2006 83: 350-354.
Riccardo Caccialanza, Giovanni Palladini, Catherine Klersy, Hellas Cena, Christina Vagia, Barbara Cameletti, Paola Russo, Francesca Lavatelli, and Giampaolo Merlini
Background: Maintenance of a good nutritional status is associated with prolonged survival in many chronic diseases. To date, the nutritional status of outpatients with immunoglobulin light-chain (AL) amyloidosis has not been evaluated.
Objective: The aims of this study were to obtain information regarding the nutritional status of AL amyloidosis outpatients and to investigate its prognostic role.
Design: One hundred six consecutive patients with histologically confirmed AL amyloidosis were enrolled. Anthropometric, biochemical, and clinical variables were measured. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to calculate survival. A Cox proportional hazard model was constructed to evaluate the prognostic effect of the nutritional variables.
Results: Unintentional weight loss (median: 11.3%; range: 2.6–34% of usual nonedematous body weight) was documented in 58 subjects (54.7%). Body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) was <22 in 25 subjects (23.6%). Serum prealbumin was <200 mg/L (lower reference limit) in 26 patients (24.5%). A multivariate analysis showed that the percentage weight loss was significantly greater in patients with than in those without cardiac involvement (P = 0.03), and it also differed significantly by New York Heart Association class (P = 0.02) and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (P = 0.001). Cardiac involvement (P = 0.008), hematologic response to therapy (P = 0.013), BMI (P = 0.001) and serum prealbumin (P = 0.001) were independent predictors of survival.
Conclusions:Malnutrition is a prominent clinical feature of patients with AL amyloidosis. Appropriate nutritional evaluation that comprises the easily measurable nutritional variables associated with survival should be an integral part of the clinical assessment of AL amyloidosis outpatients.

Key Words: Amyloidosis • outpatients • nutritional status • weight loss • progno
结果:58例(54.7%)患者出现体重减轻(平均:11.3%;范围:2.6-34%);25例(23.6%)患者体重指数(BMI)小于22;26例(24.5%)患者血清前白蛋白小于200 mg/L。多变量分析显示有心脏病患者体重减轻的程度大于没有心脏病的患者(P = 0.03),应用纽约健康评价和危险因素表和东部协作组行为状态量表分析也得出相同的结论,p值分别为0.02和0.001。心脏病变(p=0.008)、治疗过程中引起的血液的变化(P=0.013)、BMI(P=0.001)、和血清前白蛋白(P=0.001),是患者存活率的独立相关因素。
关键词:淀粉样变性病 门诊病人 营养状况 体重减轻 预后
27. Flavonoid classes and risk of peripheral arterial occlusive disease: a case–control study in Greece
Eur J Clin Nutr 60: 214-219
P Lagiou, E Samoli, A Lagiou, Y Skalkidis, K Katsouyanni, E Petridou and D Trichopoulos
Objective: To assess the relation between specific flavonoid classes and peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD), an important manifestation of atherosclerosis.
Design: Using data from a case–control study conducted in Greece in 1980 on the nutritional epidemiology of PAOD, we have exploited recently published databases on the content of foods in specific flavonoid classes to assess the relation between intake of these compounds and PAOD.
Setting: A major teaching hospital in Athens, Greece.
Subjects: Cases were 100 patients with PAOD and controls 100 patients with minor surgical conditions admitted to the same hospital.
Interventions: No interventions. All cases and controls were interviewed in the hospital wards, and a 110-food item semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire was administered by the same interviewer.
Results: Flavonols, flavones and perhaps flavan-3-ols were inversely associated with PAOD risk, the odds ratios (and 95% confidence intervals) for increments equal to the corresponding standard deviations being 0.41 (0.20–0.86), 0.56 (0.32–0.96) and 0.53 (0.26–1.05), respectively. Total flavonoids were also significantly inversely associated with PAOD.
Conclusions: On the basis of these results, the biological properties of flavonoids and evidence concerning their relation to other manifestations of atherosclerosis, we conclude that dietary intake of specific classes of flavonoids, as well as total flavonoids, may have a protective effect against PAOD.
Keywords: flavonoids, peripheral arterial disease, diet, flavonols
欧洲临床营养学杂志60: 214-219
作者:P Lagiou, E Samoli, A Lagiou, Y Skalkidis, K Katsouyanni, E Petridou and D Trichopoulos
关键词:黄酮类化合物 周围动脉性疾病 饮食 黄酮醇

"a 110-food item semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire "没有弄的明白,可能翻译的不准确吧,我不是学营养的,错了请高手多指教啊!
28. Meal glycaemic load of normal-weight and overweight Hong Kong children
Eur J Clin Nutr 60: 220-227
L L Hui and E A S Nelson
Objective: To describe the pattern of meal glycaemic load of children in Hong Kong and to determine whether the meal glycaemic load is associated with childhood overweight.
Method: Dietary records (3-day) of 316 Hong Kong children aged 6–7 years were collected. Glycaemic load was calculated from the estimated weight (WT), carbohydrate content (%CHO) and glycaemic index (GI) of each food taken using the equation: (% CHO GI WT/100). The meal glycaemic load was then the sum of the glycaemic loads of all food taken in each meal. Logistic regression analyses were used to compare the average meal glycaemic load (of breakfast, lunch and dinner) and other dietary parameters between overweight children and normal-weight children.
Results: Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks provided, respectively, 17, 29, 29 and 25% of the total glycaemic load in a day. White rice (excluding congee (rice porridge) and glutinous rice) contributed almost half of the total glycaemic load. Adjusted logistic regression showed that the meal glycaemic load was not significantly associated with childhood overweight after adjusting for parental obesity, birth weight, sleeping duration, mean energy intake and paternal smoking.
Conclusion: Meal glycaemic load calculated from current diet was not an independent factor associated with childhood overweight in children aged 6–7 years. Our data suggested that modifying the type of rice/staple consumed and choosing low-GI snacks could have a major influence on the total meal glycaemic load of young Hong Kong children.
Keywords: glycemic index, dietary carbohydrates, obesity
欧洲临床营养学杂志60: 220-227
作者:L L Hui and E A S Nelson
方法:收集316名6-7岁香港儿童的饮食记录(3-天)。根据每种食物所估计的重量、炭水化合物的含量和甘油酯指数(用以下方程式表示:%CHO GI WT/100)来计算甘油酯的负荷。饮食甘油酯负荷是指一次饮食中总的甘油酯负荷的总和。用Logist回归分析来比较超重儿童和正常体重儿童的平均饮食中甘油酯的负荷(包括早餐、午餐和晚餐)以及其他饮食参数的差别。
关键词:甘油酯指数 膳食炭水化合物 肥胖
20. Hypo- and Hyperresponse to Egg Cholesterol Predicts Plasma Lutein and ß-Carotene Concentrations in Men and Women


21. Virgin Olive Oil Phenols Inhibit Proliferation of Human Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells (HL60) by Inducing Apoptosis and Differentiation
J. Nutr. 2006 136: 614-619.
Roberto Fabiani, Angelo De Bartolomeo, Patrizia Rosignoli, Maurizio Servili, Roberto Selvaggini, Gian Francesco Montedoro, Cristina Di Saverio, and Guido Morozzi
Although epidemiologic evidence and animal studies suggest that olive oil may prevent the onset of cancer, the components responsible for such an effect and their mechanisms of action remain largely unknown. In the present study, we investigated the effect of a virgin olive oil phenol extract (PE) on proliferation, the cell cycle distribution profile, apoptosis, and differentiation of the human promyelocytic cell line HL60. PE inhibited HL60 cell proliferation in a time- and concentration-dependent manner, as demonstrated by the viable cell count and 3-[4,5-dimethyl(thiazol-2-yl)]-3,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) metabolism. Cell growth was completely blocked at a PE concentration of 13.5 mg/L; apoptosis was also induced as detected by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry. Determination of the cell cycle distribution by flow cytometry revealed an accumulation of cells in the G0/G1 phase. Two compounds isolated from PE, the dialdehydic forms of elenoic acid linked to hydroxytyrosol (3,4-DHPEA-EDA) and to tyrosol (pHPEA-EDA), were shown to possess properties similar to those of PE; they account for a part of the powerful effects exerted by the complex mixture of compounds present in PE. The concentrations of the different compounds in PE were determined by HPLC, and the purity of 3,4-DHPEA-EDA and pHPEA-EDA was ascertained by NMR. Treatment with PE induced a differentiation in HL60 cells, which subsequently acquired the ability to produce superoxide ions and reduce nitroblue tetrazolium to formazan. These results support the hypothesis that polyphenols play a critical role in the anticancer activity of olive oil.
KEY WORDS: • olive oil • phenols • apoptosis • differentiation • chemoprevention
关键词:橄榄油 酚类 凋亡 分化 化学保护
14. New functions for amino acids: effects on gene transcription and translation
Am J Clin Nutr 2006 83: 500S-507S.
Scot R Kimball and Leonard S Jefferson
Amino acids act to regulate multiple processes related to gene expression, including modulation of the function of the proteins that mediate messenger RNA (mRNA) translation. By modulating the function of translation initiation and elongation factors, amino acids regulate the translation of mRNA on a global scale and also act to cause preferential changes in the translation of mRNAs encoding particular proteins or families of proteins. However, amino acids do not directly regulate the function of translation initiation and elongation factors, but instead modulate signaling through pathways traditionally considered to be solely involved in mediating the action of hormones. The best-characterized example of amino acid–induced regulation of a signal transduction pathway is one involving a protein kinase referred to as the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), through which the branched-chain amino acids, particularly leucine, act to modulate the function of proteins engaged in both global mRNA translation and the selection of specific mRNAs for translation. Less understood at this point in time is evidence suggesting that amino acids also act to regulate mRNA translation through mTOR-independent mechanisms. The goal of the present review is to briefly summarize studies, primarily those performed in the laboratories of the authors, that focus on the role of the branched-chain amino acids in the regulation of mRNA translation in skeletal muscle.
Key Words: Branched-chain amino acids • leucine • mTOR • mammalian target of rapamycin • insulin • mRNA translation

关键词:支链氨基酸 亮氨酸 mTOR 胰岛素 mRNA翻译
16. Nutritional modulators of bone remodeling during aging
Am J Clin Nutr 2006 83: 427S-430S.
Gregory R Mundy
Bone mass declines progressively with age in both men and women from the age of 30 y. Increased longevity will inevitability be associated with an increase in the incidence of osteoporosis, its associated complications, and incurred health care costs. Current pharmacologic approaches focus on inhibiting bone resorption in those with osteoporosis but do little to improve bone mass. Increased understanding of the cellular events responsible for normal bone formation has led to multiple pathways that can be targeted to positively influence bone mass.Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) have been shown to stimulate bone formation, and the BMP2 gene was recently linked to osteoporosis. BMP-2 therefore represents one potential molecular target to identify new agents to simulate bone formation. Research is accumulating on the positive effects of dietary sources that stimulate the BMP2 promoter and their effects on bone formation. Flavonoids and statins occur naturally in food products and have been shown to promote bone formation. It may be possible to influence peak bone mass by dietary means and to decrease the risk of osteoporosis in later life. To ease the future burden of osteoporosis, focusing on prevention will be key, and this could include dietary interventions to stimulate bone formation.
Key Words: Osteoporosis • flavonoid • statin • lovastatin • bone mass • osteoclast • osteoblast • osteoblast proliferation • osteoblast differentiation • resorption inhibitor • red yeast rice • bone morphogenetic protein • BMP • bone remodeling • myeloma • nutritional supplements • dietary supplements

关键词:骨质疏松症 黄酮类 他汀类 罗伐他汀 骨量 破骨细胞 成骨细胞 成骨细胞增殖 成骨细胞分化 重吸收抑制因子 红酵母谷 骨形成蛋白 BMP 骨重建 骨髓瘤 营养补充 饮食补充
22. The Consumption of Lycopene and Tomato-Based Food Products Is Not Associated with the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes in Women
J. Nutr. 2006 136: 620-625.
Lu Wang, Simin Liu, JoAnn E. Manson, J. Michael Gaziano, Julie E. Buring, and Howard D. Sesso
Lycopene is a major carotenoid with potent antioxidant properties that may provide protection against the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). In this study we examined the association between baseline dietary intakes of lycopene, lycopene-containing foods, and the subsequent development of type 2 DM in a large prospective cohort study. We analyzed a total of 35,783 women from the United States, aged 45 y and free from self-reported cardiovascular disease, cancer, and DM at baseline. Intakes of lycopene and total and individual tomato-based food products were assessed by a 131-item–validated semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire. During a median follow-up of 10.2 y, 1544 cases of incident type 2 DM were documented. After adjusting for age, total energy intake, randomized treatment assignment, body mass index, and other known DM risk factors, the multivariate-adjusted relative risks and 95% CI of type 2 DM across increasing quintiles of dietary lycopene, were 1.00 (baseline), 1.10 (0.94–1.29), 1.10 (0.94–1.29), and 1.07 (0.91–1.26) (P linear trend = 0.56)。Compared with women who consumed <1.5 servings/wk total tomato-based food products, women who consumed 1.5 to <4, 4 to <7, 7 to <10, and 10 servings/wk had multivariate relative risks (95% CI) of 1.03 (0.88–1.20), 1.02 (0.87–1.20), 1.09 (0.89–1.33), and 1.04 (0.80–1.36), respectively (P linear trend = 0.54). The associations for individual tomato-based food products were similar to the results for the combination of all tomato products. Our study found little evidence for an association between dietary intake of lycopene or lycopene-containing foods and the risk of type 2 DM.
KEY WORDS: • lycopene • tomato products • intake • diabetes mellitus • epidemiology

番茄红素是一种主要的类胡萝卜素,具有很强的抗氧化特性,能够延缓2型糖尿病的发生。在本研究中,我们通过大型前瞻性队列研究检测了番茄红素及含番茄红素食物的饮食与2型糖尿病发生的关联。我们总共分析了美国35,783位女性,年龄在45岁并且无自我报告的心血管疾病、肿瘤和糖尿病。使用131项验证半定量食物频数问卷表评价其番茄红素和总的及个别的番茄类食物摄入量。在平均10.2年的随访观察中,1544例发生了2型糖尿病。在对年龄、总能量摄入、随机分配疗法、体重指数和其他已知的糖尿病风险因子标化后,2型糖尿病的多变量校正的相对危险系数及95% CI在5种依次增多的饮食番茄红素摄入水平分别为1.00 (基线), 1.10 (0.94–1.29), 1.10 (0.94–1.29), and 1.07 (0.91–1.26) (P 线性趋势= 0.56)。与每周摄入1.5份总番茄类食物的女性相比,摄入1.5~<4, 4~<7, 7~<10和10份每周组的多变量相对危险系数(95% CI)分别为1.03 (0.88–1.20), 1.02 (0.87–1.20), 1.09 (0.89–1.33), and 1.04 (0.80–1.36), (P 线性趋势= 0.54)。在摄入个别番茄类食物组中这种关联与联合摄入所有番茄类食物组相似。我们的研究发现饮食摄入番茄红素或含番茄红素的食物与2型糖尿病发病风险几乎没有关联。
关键词:番茄红素 番茄类食物 摄入 糖尿病 流行病学
33. Effects of added fruits and vegetables on dietary intakes and body weight in Scottish adults
Authors: Whybrow, Stephen; Harrison, Claire L.S.; Mayer, Claus; James Stubbs, R.
Source: British Journal of Nutrition, Volume 95, Number 3, March 2006, pp. 496-503
An increased consumption of fruits and vegetables (F&V) has been suggested as a way to limit, or even lower, energy and fat intakes. The present study examined the effects of incorporating F&V supplements into the diets of adults who reported consuming <240 g (three portions) of F&V per d on energy and fat intakes, and change in body weight, over 8 weeks using a randomised parallel design. Thirty-four males and twenty-eight females (age 42·6 (sd 11·1) years, BMI 23·7 (sd 2·7) kg/m2) were each provided with supplements of 0, 300 or 600 g F&V per d. Food, nutrient and energy intakes were measured before, during and at the end of the supplementation period using 7 d weighed records. Mean daily energy intakes were not different among the three groups before (P=0·151) or during the supplementation periods (P=0·407), although changes in energy intakes over the study period tended to be more positive with increasing amounts of F&V supplements (P=0·078). There was no difference in changes of body weights during the study (P=0·242). Carbohydrate (P<0·001), sugar (P<0·001), fibre (P<0·001) and weight of food consumed (P=0·022) increased in the treatment groups. There were no significant differences, or changes, in fat intakes among the three groups. Consumption of mandatory F&V supplements for 8 weeks produced beneficial changes in diet composition, but did not result in lower reported energy or fat intakes, and did not result in loss of body weight.
Keywords: Fruits and vegetables; Diet composition; Energy balance; Energy intake

增加水果和蔬菜摄入量被认为是限制甚至减少能量和脂肪摄入的一个途径。本研究用超过8周的随机对比试验检测了每天饮食中的蔬菜水果含量<240 g(3份)的人群在增加饮食中蔬菜水果补充后对能量和脂肪摄入以及对体重改变的影响。34位男性和28位女性(年龄42.6±11.1岁,BMI23.7±2.7 kg/m2)每人每天给予0、300或600克水果蔬菜。食物、营养和能量摄入分别在供给前、供给中和供给后用7天体重记录测量。平均每日能量摄入在供给前(P=0·151)及供给中(P=0·407)在三组间均无差别,虽然在研究结束时蔬菜水果供给增加组能量摄入倾向于高于其他两组(P=0·078)。在研究中受试者体重无变化(P=0·242)。干预组碳水化合物(P<0·001)、糖(P<0·001)、纤维(P<0·001)和消耗食物总量(P=0·022)均显著增加。三组间脂肪摄入无显著变化。强制增加水果蔬菜补充8周对饮食构成可以产生有益的改变,但并不能降低能量和脂肪摄入,也不能使体重减轻。
关键词:水果和蔬菜 饮食构成 能量平衡 能量摄入
37. Accuracy of food intake reporting in obese subjects with metabolic risk factors
Authors: Svendsen, Mette; Tonstad, Serena
Source: British Journal of Nutrition, Volume 95, Number 3, March 2006, pp. 640-649(10)
The aim of the present study was to determine the accuracy of reported energy intake according to a food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and dietary records (DR) in obese subjects with metabolic syndrome risk factors. Subjects were twenty-three men and twenty-seven women with mean BMI of 35·7 (range 30·5a–43·8) kg/m2 who participated in a dietary interview based on a FFQ and completed weighed DR. Total energy expenditure was measured with the doubly labelled water method. Total energy expenditure, measured RMR and physical activity level did not differ between under-reporters (50 % of the sample) and non-under-reporters. Under-reporters had lower median intake of sweets, desserts and snacks than non-under-reporters (100 v. 161 g/d (P=0·0008) and 61 v. 128 g/d (P=0·0002) according to the FFQ and DR, respectively).The DR also showed lower energy density (6·7 (sd 1·3) v. 7·9 (sd 1·6) kJ/g; P=0·0064), lower intake of sugary drinks (0 v. 167 g/d; P=0·0063) and higher scores for dietary restraint (9·0 (sd 5·0) v. 6·1 (sd 3·5); P=0·0285) in under-reporters. Energy density was associated with accuracy according to the FFQ (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (RS) 0·406; P=0·0034) and the DR (RS 0·537; P<0·0001). In multivariate analysis, consumption of bread and sweets, desserts and snacks measured by the FFQ was positively associated with accuracy (R2adjusted 0·46 (95% CI 0·32, 0·70)). According to the DR, consumption of sweets, desserts and snacks was also associated with accuracy, as was dietary restraint (inversely) (R2adjusted 0·67 (95% CI 0·54, 0·83)). In obese subjects with metabolic risk factors, intake of sweets, desserts and snacks, bread and dietary restraint were determinants of reporting accuracy.
Keywords: Energy intake; Under-reporting; Eating behaviour; Doubly labelled water

本研究的目的是确定根据食物频度问卷(FFQ)和饮食记录(DR)来评估具有代谢综合征危险因子的肥胖患者能量摄入情况的准确性。研究对象位23位男性和27位女性,其BMI为35.7(范围30·5a–43·8)kg/m2,所有受试者均参加过食物频度问卷(FFQ)并具有完整的饮食记录(DR)。总能量消耗用双标水方法评价。用RMR和体力活动水平测量的总能量消耗在报告组(占样本量的50%)和非报告组间无差别。报告组平均摄入糖果、甜点和点心的量低于非报告组。(根据FFQ和DR分别为100 v. 161 g/d (P=0·0008) 和61 v. 128 g/d (P=0·0002))。DR同时显示在报告组有较低的能量密度(6·7 (sd 1·3) v. 7·9 (sd 1·6) kJ/g; P=0·0064),较低的含糖饮料摄入量(0 v. 167 g/d; P=0·0063)较高的饮食控制评分(9·0 (sd 5·0) v. 6·1 (sd 3·5); P=0·0285)。根据FFQ(施佩尔曼氏秩相关系数(RS) 0·406; P=0·0034)和DR (RS 0·537; P<0·0001)能量密度与其准确性有关。在多变量分析中,用FFQ测量的面包、糖果、甜点和点心的消耗量与其准确度呈正相关(R2adjusted 0·46 (95% CI 0·32, 0·70))。根据DR,糖果、甜点和点心的消耗量也与其准确度相关,而饮食控制也与之相关(负相关)(R2adjusted 0·67 (95% CI 0·54, 0·83))。在有代谢风险因子的肥胖患者中,糖果、甜点、点心、面包的摄入量以及饮食控制程度决定了报告的准确性。
关键词:能量摄入 报告不全 饮食行为 双标水方法
10. Upward weight percentile crossing in infancy and early childhood independently predicts fat mass in young adults: the Stockholm Weight Development Study (SWEDES)
Am J Clin Nutr 2006 83: 324-330.
Ulf Ekelund, Ken Ong, Yvonné Linné, Martin Neovius, Søren Brage, David B Dunger, Nicholas J Wareham, and Stephan Rössner
Background: Rapid early postnatal weight gain predicts increased subsequent obesity and related disease risks. However, the exact timing of adverse rapid postnatal weight gain is unclear.
Objective: The objective was to examine the associations between rapid weight gain in infancy and in early childhood in relation to body composition at age 17 y.
Design: This prospective cohort study was conducted in 248 (103 males) singletons and their mothers. Height and weight were measured at birth, 6 mo, and 3 and 6 y. The
rates of weight gain during infancy (0–6 mo) and early childhood (3–6 y) were calculated as changes in sex- and age-adjusted weight SD scores during these time periods. At 17 y, body composition was measured by air-displacement plethysmography.
Results: Increasing weight gain during infancy and early childhood were both independently associated with larger body mass index, fat mass, relative fat mass, fat-free mass, and waist circumference at 17 y (P < 0.005 for all; adjusted for sex, birth weight, gestational age, current height, maternal socioeconomic status, and maternal fat mass). Rapid weight gain in infancy, but not in early childhood, also predicted taller height at 17 y (P < 0.001).
Conclusions: Rapid weight gain in both infancy and early childhood is a risk factor for adult adiposity and obesity. Rapid weight gain in infancy also predicted taller adult height. We hypothesize that rapid weight gains in infancy and early childhood are different processes and may allow separate opportunities for early intervention against obesity risk later in life.
Key Words: Air-displacement plethysmography • catch-up growth • weight gain • obesity • Stockholm Weight Development Study

注:不知对”sex- and age-adjusted“在此文中的翻译是否准确,请战友改正。

pdf-ekelund_etal_rapid_weight_gain_acjn_2006.pdf (86.28k)
31. Effect of dietary nucleotide supplementation on growth and immune function in term infants: a randomized controlled trial
Eur J Clin Nutr 60: 254-264
J S Hawkes, R A Gibson, D Roberton and M Makrides
Objective: To examine the effect of nucleotide (NT)-supplemented cow's milk-based formula on growth and biochemical indices of immune function in healthy infants.
Design: Randomized controlled trial (RCT) of formula-fed term infants allocated to control formula with an innate level of NT at 10 mg/l (n=102), or formula fortified with NT at 33.5 mg/l (n=98). A parallel group of 125 breastfed infants followed the same protocol as a reference.
Outcome measures: Growth was assessed at enrolment, 7 weeks, 4 months and 7 months of age. Natural killer cell activity, cytokine production and lymphocyte subpopulations were assessed at 7 weeks of age. Antibody responses to diphtheria toxoid, tetanus toxoid and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) immunizations were measured at 7 months of age.
Results: NT supplementation did not influence the growth of formula fed infants or any markers of immunity measured at 7 weeks of age. Antibody responses to tetanus toxoid were higher in the NT-supplemented group (n=68) compared with the control group (n=70) at 7 months of age (median (5th, 95% percentile): 1.57(0.42, 3.43) vs 1.01(0.41, 4.66) IU/ml, P<0.03). A difference between treatments was seen in response to diphtheria toxoid but this effect disappeared when adjusted for hepatitis B immunization at birth. There was no effect of treatment on antibody responses to Hib immunization.
Conclusions: Supplementation of formulas with NT at 33.5 mg/l resulted in a modest improvement in antibody response consistent with RCTs that used higher levels of NT supplementation. Whether this translates to clinical benefits in well-nourished infants requires further study.
Keywords: nucleotides, term infants, growth, immune function, infant formula, human milk
设计:采用随机对照试验,其中配方喂养的婴儿102名作为对照组(核苷酸量是婴儿先天的10 mg/l水平)、98名强化核苷酸配方组(核苷酸量为33.5 mg/l),125名母乳喂养婴儿作为平行对照组。
结果评价:试验开始、7周、4个月和7个月婴儿的生长情况, 7周婴儿自然杀伤细胞活动能力、细胞浆生成量和各种淋巴细胞的水平,7个月时婴儿对破伤风类毒素、白喉类毒素、b型流感嗜血杆菌的抗体反应。
结果:补充核苷酸对配方喂养的婴儿生长和7周时婴儿的免疫指标没有影响。当婴儿7个月时,核苷酸补充组68名婴儿破伤风类毒素的抗体反应要强于对照组70名婴儿水平 (中位数 (第5, 95%百分位数): 1.57(0.42, 3.43) 对应 1.01(0.41, 4.66) IU/ml, P<0.03)。对白喉类毒素反应存在差异,但校正了出生时接种乙肝疫苗后,这种效果就不存在。 对 b型流感嗜血杆菌的抗体反应没有作用。
结论:补充33.5 mg/l核苷酸配方可以适当提高抗体反应程度,与补充较高核苷酸量随机对照试验的结果一致,这是否对营养状况良好的婴儿产生临床效果需要进一步研究。
关键词:核苷酸 婴儿 生长 免疫功能 婴儿配方 母乳
13. Vitamin K status of healthy Japanese women: age-related vitamin K requirement for -carboxylation of osteocalcin
Am J Clin Nutr 2006 83: 380-386.
Naoko Tsugawa, Masataka Shiraki, Yo***omo Suhara, Maya Kamao, Kiyoshi Tanaka, and Toshio Okano
Background: Vitamin K deficiency is associated with low bone mineral density and increased risk of bone fracture. Phylloquinone (K1) and menaquinone 4 (MK-4) and 7 (MK-7) are generally observed in human plasma; however, data are limited on their circulating concentrations and their associations with bone metabolism or with -carboxylation of the osteocalcin molecule.
Objectives: The objectives were to measure the circulating concentrations of K1, MK-4, and MK-7 in women and to ascertain whether each form of vitamin K is significantly associated with bone metabolism.
Design: Plasma concentrations of K1, MK-4, MK-7, undercarboxylated osteocalcin (ucOC; measured by using the new electrochemiluminescence immunoassay), intact osteocalcin (iOC), calcium, and phosphorus; bone-derived alkaline phosphatase activity; and concentrations of urinary creatinine, N-terminal telopeptide, and deoxypyridinoline were measured in healthy women (n = 396).
Results: On average, MK-7 and MK-4 were the highest and lowest, respectively, of the 3 vitamers in all age groups. K1 and MK-7 correlated inversely with ucOC, but associations between nutritional basal concentration of MK-4 and ucOC were not observed. Multiple regression analysis indicated that not only K1 and MK-7 concentrations but also age were independently correlated with ucOC concentration and the ratio of ucOC to iOC. The plasma K1 or MK-7 concentration required to minimize the ucOC concentration was highest in the group aged 70 y, and it decreased progressively for each of the younger age groups.
Conclusions: The definite role of ucOC remains unclear. However, if submaximal -carboxylation is related to the prevention of fracture or bone mineral loss, circulating vitamin K concentrations in elderly people should be kept higher than those in young people.
Key Words: Phylloquinone • menaquinone 4 • menaquinone 7 • vitamin K • plasma concentrations • osteocalcin • bone turnover makers • healthy elderly women

Japanese健康女性体内维生素K的状态: 与年龄相关的骨钙素羧化作用的维生素K需求量。

认领26. Effect of lifelong iodine supplementation on thyroid 131-I uptake: a decrease in uptake in euthyroid but not hyperthyroid individuals compared to observations 50 years ago
26. Effect of lifelong iodine supplementation on thyroid 131-I uptake: a decrease in uptake in euthyroid but not hyperthyroid individuals compared to observations 50 years ago
Eur J Clin Nutr 60: 210-213
M Milakovic, G Berg, R Eggertsen and E Nyström
Background: In Sweden, iodine has been added to table salt (10 mg/kg) since 1936; this amount was increased in 1966 to 50 mg/kg.
Objective: To investigate a euthyroid Swedish population (n=44, 60–65 years) with its entire lifespan with iodine supplementation as for 24-h 131-I uptake (24h IU) and thyroid nodularity (thyroid scintigraphy). To compare the euthyroid 24h IU with uptake of thyrotoxic individuals, and with observations from 1955.
Methods: The 24h IU was used in euthyroid individuals after oral administration of 0.1 MBq/2.7 Ci radioiodine and imaging of the thyroid gland was carried out using 99mTc-pertechnetate.
Results: In 1999–2000, the mean 24h IU in the euthyroid individuals was 21% (range 11–33%) and the normal (central 95%) reference interval was 14–30%. Scintigraphy suggested multinodular goitre in three euthyroid individuals. In Graves' patients (n=53, 50–65 years), the mean 24h IU was 61% (range 29–89%). In 1955, the 24h IU in euthyroid individuals was higher (38%, range 10–70%), while hyperthyroid patients had uptake values similar to those recorded in the present investigation (mean 62%, range 40–90%).
Conclusions: The population sample studied had to be small for ethical reasons. We conclude that the reference interval for 24h IU is 14–30% in this population that had spent its entire lifespan with iodine supplementation. This is lower than that recorded in a Swedish euthyroid population half a century ago having had low-grade table-salt iodine supplementation for 20 years. Values for hyperthyroid patients, however, do not appear to have been affected likewise.
Keywords: iodine supplementation, radioiodine uptake, scintigraphy

研究目的:自1955年起调查研究一终生补充碘元素的甲状腺机能正常人群(44人,60-65年)的甲状腺24小时131-I的摄取量(24h IU)以及甲状腺结节的情况(甲状腺闪烁描记法)。比较甲状腺机能正常者与甲亢个体的24h IU值。
实验方法:甲状腺机能正常者经口给予0.1 MBq/2.7 Ci放射性碘,然后通过99mTc-放射性高锝酸钠得到甲状腺的影像,从而测得24h IU值。
实验结果:在1999-2000年,甲状腺机能正常者个体的24h IU平均值是21%(11-33%), 其95%参考值范围是14-30%。甲状腺闪烁描记法结果显示有三位甲状腺机能正常者出现多结节甲状腺肿。在格拉夫病人(53人,50-65年)中,24h IU平均值是61%(29-89%)。在1955年,甲状腺机能正常者个体的24h IU值比较高(38%, 范围10–70%),并且与当前调查中的甲亢病人的24h IU值相似(平均62%,范围40–90%)。
结论:由于伦理学方面的原因,我们的研究人群不是太大。从我们的研究结果来看,该终生补充碘元素的甲状腺机能正常人群的24h IU值的参考值范围是14-30%,这比半个世纪前瑞典一甲状腺机能正常人群资料的记录要低,而后者的食盐加碘量有20年是处于一个比较低的水平的。然而,甲亢病人的24h IU值并没有同样受其影响。
关键词:碘的膳食补充 放射性碘的摄取 闪烁扫描法
34和35一直没有人申领啊,好像有点难度,待会儿下课了回来翻翻看,呵呵。昨天就浏览了一遍了,有几个缩写不太把握,申领34、35,试试!34. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid isomers in breast milk are associated with plasma non-esterified and erythrocyte membrane fatty acid composition in lactating women

35. Influence of an algal triacylglycerol containing docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) and docosapentaenoic acid (22:5n-6) on cardiovascular risk factors in healthy men and women


34. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid isomers in breast milk are associated with plasma non-esterified and erythrocyte membrane fatty acid composition in lactating women
Maternal adipose tissue is a major contributor to breast milk long-chain fatty acids, probably through the pool of plasma NEFA. The fatty acid composition of the erythrocyte membrane (EM) is a biochemical index of the intake of fatty acids not synthesized endogenously and of PUFA and long-chain PUFA fatty acid status. The present study investigated the associations between breast milk fatty acid composition and the composition of plasma NEFA and of EM fatty acids with special reference to PUFA, long-chain PUFA and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The detailed fatty acid composition of mature breast milk was also reported. Thirty-three healthy, lactating Brazilian women donated milk samples; of these, twenty-four also donated blood samples in an observational cross-sectional study. Breast milk fatty acid composition presented several associations with NEFA and EM composition, which explained most (≥50 %) of the variability of selected milk PUFA, long-chain PUFA and CLA. Milk CLA was associated with fatty acids that are markers of dairy fat intake in the diet, NEFA and EM. In general, breast milk n-3 fatty acids and CLA, but not n-6 fatty acids, were associated with EM composition, whereas both the n-6 and n-3 fatty acids and CLA in milk were associated with NEFA composition, possibly owing to its role as a direct source of fatty acids for breast milk. These findings emphasize the contribution of the NEFA pool derived from the adipose tissue to the long-chain fatty acid composition of breast milk.
Keywords: Fatty acid metabolism; Breast milk fatty acids; Non-esterified fatty acids; Erythrocyte fatty acids; Lactation.

母体的脂肪组织是乳汁中长链脂肪酸的主要来源,而且很可能是通过血浆未酯化脂肪酸(NEFA)合成的。红细胞膜(EM)的脂肪酸组成是一个重要的生化指标,它反映了母体摄入的而不是内源性合成的脂肪酸的量,并反映了多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)和长链多不饱和脂肪酸的水平。本项研究调查了母乳中脂肪酸的构成与血浆中NEFA以及EM脂肪酸,尤其是PUFA,长链PUFA和共轭油酸(CLA)的关系,并对成熟母乳的成份进行了详细报道。33位健康的哺乳期巴西妇女自愿为我们提供了母乳样品,并且其中有24位也提供了血样,我们对此进行了横断面研究。结果显示母乳中的脂肪酸组成与NEFA和EM成分呈一定的相关性,这也解释了我们的母乳样品中PUFA,长链PUFA和CLA含量变异很大(≥50 %)的原因。另外,结果还显示母乳中的CLA与反映机体脂肪摄入量的脂肪酸水平以及NEFA和EM水平有关。总之,母乳中的n-3脂肪酸(而不包括n-6脂肪酸)以及CLA和EM组成有关,而n-3和n-6脂肪酸以及CLA都与NEFA组成有关,这可能是由于NEFA是乳汁中脂肪酸的直接来源。我们的这些发现强调了动物脂肪组织中NEFA池对母乳中长链脂肪酸的重要贡献。
关键词:脂肪酸的代谢 乳汁中的脂肪酸 非酯化脂肪酸 红细胞脂肪酸 哺乳期

18. Meat Consumption in a Varied Diet Marginally Influences Nonheme Iron Absorption in Normal Individuals


35. Influence of an algal triacylglycerol containing docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) (DHA)and docosapentaenoic acid (22:5n-6) on cardiovascular risk factors in healthy men and women
Authors: Sanders, Thomas A.B.; Gleason, Kelly; Griffin, Bruce; Miller, George J.
Source: British Journal of Nutrition, Volume 95, Number 3, March 2006, pp. 525-531(7)
The intake of long-chain n-3 PUFA, including DHA (22 : 6n-3), is associated with a reduced risk of CVD. Schizochytrium sp. are an important primary source of DHA in the marine food chain but they also provide substantial quantities of the n-6 PUFA docosapentaenoic acid (22 : 5n-6; DPA). The effect of this oil on cardiovascular risk factors was evaluated using a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled parallel-design trial in thirty-nine men and forty women. Subjects received 4 g oil/d for 4 weeks; the active treatment provided 1•5 g DHA and 0•6 g DPA. Active treatment increased plasma concentrations of arachidonic acid, adrenic acid, DPA and DHA by 21, 11, 11 and 88 mg/l respectively and the proportions of DPA and DHA in erythrocyte phospholipids by 78 and 27 % respectively. Serum total, LDL- and HDL-cholesterol increased by 0•33 mmol/l (7•3 %), 0•26 mmol/l (10•4 %) and 0•14 mmol/l (9•0 %) compared with placebo (all P≤0•001). Factor VII (FVII) coagulant activity increased by 12 % following active treatment (P=0•006). There were no significant differences between treatments in LDL size, blood pressure, plasma glucose, serum C-reactive protein, plasma FVII antigen, FVII activated, fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, tocopherol or carotenoid concentrations, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, creatine kinase or troponin-I activities, haematology or liver function tests or self-reported adverse effects. Overall, the oil was well tolerated and did not adversely affect cardiovascular risk.
Keywords: Docosahexaenoic acid; Docosapentaenoic acid; Lipids; Haemostasis; C-reactive protein

摘要:摄入长链n-3多不饱和脂肪酸,包括二十二碳六烯酸DHA(22 : 6n-3)可以降低心血管疾病的发病风险。Schizochytrium sp.是海洋食物链中DHA的主要来源,并且它也可以提供相当数量的二十二碳五烯酸(22 : 5n-6; DPA)。在本项研究中,我们利用一个双盲随机带空白对照的平行设计的调查方案对此油对心血管疾病发病风险的影响进行了评估,受试者包括39位男士和40位女士。每位受试者连续四周摄入该油4g/d,而阳性对照组受试者每天摄入1.5gDHA和0.6g DPA.结果显示,阳性对照组受试者的血浆中花生四烯酸、肾上腺酸、DPA和DHA含量分别上升了21, 11, 11 and 88 mg/l并且DPA和DHA在红细胞磷脂中的构成比分别增加了78%和27%。与对照相比,血清总LDL,HDL和胆固醇分别增加了0•33 mmol/l (7•3 %), 0•26 mmol/l (10•4 %)和 0•14 mmol/l (9•0 %)(所有的 P≤0•001)。阳性对照组凝血因子II(FVII)的活性增加了12%(P=0•006)。各组之间LDL微粒大小、血压、血糖、血清C反应蛋白、FVII抗原、FVII活性纤维蛋白原、类血友病因子、生育酚或类胡萝卜素浓度,血纤维蛋白溶酶原激活抑制因子-1,机酸激酶或肌钙蛋白- I活性,血液学或肝功能检测或自诉性不良反应等没有显著性差异。总之,人体对该油具有良好的耐受性,该油对心血管疾病无不良影响。
关键词:DHA DPA 止血 C反应蛋白
我认领第32篇32. Vegetable lipid sources affect in vitro biosynthesis of triacylglycerols and phospholipids in the intestine of sea bream (Sparus aurata)
8. Absorption of calcium from milks enriched with fructo-oligosaccharides, caseino phosphopeptides, tricalcium phosphate, and milk solids

Am J Clin Nutr 2006 83: 310-316.
Eduardo López-Huertas, Birgit Teucher, Julio J Boza, Antonio Martínez-Férez, Gosia Majsak-Newman, Luis Baró, Juan J Carrero, María González-Santiago, Juristo Fonollá, and Susan Fairweather-Tait
Background: Adequate intakes of calcium are required for optimal bone health and protection against chronic disease. Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium.
Objective: The absorption of calcium from a range of fortified milks was measured in humans with the use of stable isotopes.
Design: Fifteen volunteers participated in a randomized, controlled, double-blind crossover study. Five types of semi-skimmed (1.9% fat) milk drinks were administered with a light breakfast: standard milk (control milk); milk enriched with calcium from milk solids and tricalcium phosphate [(TCP) MSS milk]; milk enriched with calcium from concentrated milk (CON milk); milk with added fructo-oligosaccharides [(FOSs) FOS milk]; and milk with added caseinophosphopeptides [(CPPs) CPP milk]. All the milks were labeled with 42Ca as CaCl2. The MSS milk was also labeled with 44Ca as TCP. The quantity of calcium in each drink was kept the same by varying the volume given.
Results: Calcium absorption did not differ significantly between the control milk and the calcium-fortified milks (MSS and CON milk) or the FOS and CPP milks. However, calcium absorption from the TCP added to the MSS milk was significantly higher than that from the control milk (27.5 ± 7.6% and 24.5 ± 7.3%, respectively; P = 0.003).
Conclusions: Calcium-enriched milks are a valuable source of well-absorbed calcium. Absorption of added calcium as TCP was higher than that of calcium from the control milk, but the addition of FOSs or CPPs did not significantly increase calcium absorption. Further research is needed to ascertain the cost-effectiveness and public health benefits of consuming fortified milks.
Key Words: Calcium • stable isotope • absorption • milk • fortification • tricalcium phosphate • fructo-oligosaccharides • caseinophosphopeptides

设计:随机、双盲、对照、交叉研究,15名志愿者根据早餐给予的半脱脂奶,随机分为5组:标准奶(对照组),钙来自于固态奶和磷酸三钙的牛奶((TCP) MSS milk),钙来自于浓缩奶的牛奶(CON milk),添加果糖寡聚体的牛奶[(FOSs) FOS milk],添加酪蛋白原磷酸肽的牛奶[(CPPs) CPP milk]。所有牛奶用CaCl2的42Ca 标记,MSS milk也可用TCP 的44Ca标记。根据给定的量,每个人饮用的钙量相同。
结果:在对照组和钙增强组(MSS and CON milk)或FOS and CPP milks组,钙吸收没有明显的差别。然而,从TCP看,MSS milk的钙吸收明显高于对照组(27.5 ± 7.6% and 24.5 ± 7.3%, P = 0.003)。
结论:浓缩乳是钙吸收的良好资源。添加TCP的钙吸收明显高于对照组,但是添加FOSs 或 CPPs组没有明显增加。强化乳的价值以及对公共健康的益处尚需进一步探讨。
关键词:钙 稳定同位素 吸收 牛奶 强化 果糖寡聚体 酪蛋白原磷酸肽 磷酸三钙
32:Vegetable lipid sources affect in vitro biosynthesis of triacylglycerols and phospholipids in the intestine of sea bream (Sparus aurata)
Authors: Caballero, Maria José; Gallardo, Germán; Robaina, Lidia; Montero, Daniel; Fernández, Antonio1; Izquierdo, Marisol
Source: British Journal of Nutrition, Volume 95, Number 3, March 2006, pp. 448-454(7)
Despite the good growth performance of several fish species when dietary fish oil is partly replaced by vegetable oils, recent studies have reported several types of intestinal morphological alterations in cultured fish fed high contents of vegetable lipid sources. However, the physiological process implied in these morphological changes have not been clarified yet, since alterations in the physiological mechanisms involved in the different processes of lipid absorption could be responsible for such gut morphological features. The objective of the present study was to investigate the activities of reacylation pathways in fish, the glycerol-3-phosphate and the monoacylglycerol pathways, in order to clarify the intestinal triacylglycerol (TAG) and phospholipid biosynthesis to better understand the morphological alterations observed in the intestine of fish fed vegetable oils. Intestinal microsomes of sea bream fed different lipid sources (fish, soyabean and rapeseed oils) at three different inclusion levels were isolated and incubated with l-[14C(U)]glycerol-3-phosphate and [1-14C]palmitoyl CoA. The results showed that in this fish species the glycerol-3-phosphate pathway is mainly involved in phospholipid synthesis, whereas TAG synthesis is mainly mediated by the monoacylglycerol pathway. Feeding with rapeseed oil reduced the reacylation activity in both pathways, explaining the high accumulation of lipid droplets in the supranuclear(无核生物) portion of the intestinal epithelium(上批细胞), whereas soyabean oil enhanced phosphatidylcholine synthesis, being associated with the increase in VLDL found in previous studies.
Keywords: Intestinal microsomes; Vegetable oils; Sea bream; Monoacylglycerol pathway; Glycerol-3-phosphate pathway; Cytidine diphosphate nucleotides; Triacylglycerols; Phospholipids
尽管当食用鱼油部分的被植物油所取代,几种鱼类起了很好的作用。近的研究报道人工营养高含量的植物油饲料的鱼肠形态学发生了改变。虽然这种生理过程暗示在这些形态学改变仍然没有阐明,可是这些改变的生理机制涉及脂肪吸收的不同阶段,可能导致这种肠形态学改变。目前的研究是探讨鱼的再次酰化的途径,三磷酸甘油和丙三醇途径、以便于阐明肠内甘油酯和磷酸脂质的生物合成,更好的理解这种因营养高植物油脂饲料的鱼类发生的肠形态学改变。海鱼的肠微粒体用不同来源的油脂食物营养(鱼类、大豆、油菜籽)、用不同的含量,同时单独而且用碳14标记的3-磷酸甘油和棕榈酰辅酶A。果显示三磷酸甘油途径主要调节磷酸化磷酸脂质的合成,虽然 丙三醇途径主要调节甘油酯的合成,油菜籽油脂营养的减少两种调节途径再次酰化,表明高累计的脂滴在无核生物的肠上皮细胞。虽然大豆油脂促进了卵磷脂的合成,以前的研究证实与超低密度脂蛋白的升高有关。
关键词:肠微粒体 ,植物油脂;海鱼:甘油酯代谢途径:3-磷酸甘油代谢途径:二磷酸核苷胞嘧啶;甘油酯;磷脂
24. The effect of MTHFR(C677T) genotype on plasma homocysteine concentrations in healthy children is influenced by gender
Eur J Clin Nutr 60: 155-162;
C Papoutsakis, N Yiannakouris, Y Manios, E Papaconstantinou, F Magkos, K H Schulpis, A Zampelas and A L Matalas
Objective: To explore the influence of gender, together with folate status, on the relation between the common methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T polymorphism and plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations in healthy children.
Design: Cross-sectional study by face-to-face interview.
Setting and subjects: A total of 186 sixth-grade students participated from twelve randomly selected primary schools in Volos, Greece.
Methods: Fasting tHcy, folate, and vitamin B12 were measured in plasma. The MTHFR genotypes were determined. Anthropometric and dietary intake data by 24-h recall were collected.
Results: Geometric means for plasma tHcy, plasma folate and energy-adjusted dietary folate did not differ between females and males. The homozygous mutant TT genotype was associated with higher tHcy only in children with lower plasma folate concentrations (<19.9 nmol/l, P=0.012). As a significant gender interaction was observed (P=0.050), we stratified the lower plasma folate group by gender and found that the association between the genotype and tHcy was restricted to males (P=0.026). Similar results were obtained when folate status was based on estimated dietary folate. Specifically, only TT males that reported lower dietary folate consumption (<37 g/MJ/day) had tHcy that was significantly higher than tHcy levels of C-allele carriers (P=0.001).
Conclusions: Under conditions of lower folate status (as estimated by either plasma concentration or reported dietary consumption), gender modifies the association of the MTHFR(C677T) polymorphism with tHcy concentrations in healthy children.
Keywords: homocysteine, MTHFR, folate status, gender, children

目的:在健康儿童中,研究性别和叶酸盐对MTHFR C677T多态性和血浆高半胱氨酸的关系的影响。
结果:血浆半胱氨酸、叶酸盐和依据服用叶酸盐调整的能量在男女之间无差别。TT基因型在低叶酸盐的儿童中与高半胱氨酸相关 (<19.9 nmol/l, P=0.012) 。将低叶酸盐组按性别进行分层,发现基因型与高半胱氨酸的相关性在男性中受限。当叶酸盐以饮食中估计的叶酸盐为依据时,得到同样的结论。特别是,在那些低摄入叶酸盐的男性中,只有TT基因型的半胱氨酸水平明显高于C等位基因携带者。
关键词:高半胱氨酸 亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶 叶酸盐 性别 儿童
18. Meat Consumption in a Varied Diet Marginally Influences Nonheme Iron Absorption in Normal Individuals
J. Nutr. 2006 136: 576-581.
Manju B. Reddy, Richard F. Hurrell, and James D. Cook
It is widely recognized that the intake of animal foods is the most important dietary determinant of the iron status of a population. The primary reason is the high bioavailability of heme iron, but it is also known from radiolabeled single-meal feeding studies in humans that muscle tissue facilitates absorption of nonheme iron. In the present study, we examined the effect of meat intake on nonheme iron absorption from a whole diet. Iron absorption was measured during 3 separate dietary periods in 14 volunteers (7 men and 7 women) by having them ingest a radioiron-labeled wheat roll with every meal for 5 d. The diet was freely chosen for the first dietary period and altered to eliminate or maximally increase the intake of muscle foods during the second and third periods. Nonheme iron absorption did not differ for the 3 dietary periods although the geometric mean of 4.81% when subjects consumed a freely chosen diet increased by 35% to 6.47% with maximum meat consumption (P = 0.075). When nonheme absorption was adjusted to normalize for differences in iron status using serum ferritin correction and the 3 absorption periods were pooled, multiple regression analysis indicated no significant relation with heme or nonheme iron, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, fiber, or tea content of the diet with the exception of animal tissue (P = 0.013). We conclude that the higher iron status associated with the consumption of an omnivorous diet is due more to the intake of heme iron than to the enhancing effect on nonheme iron absorption.
KEY WORDS: • iron bioavailability • nonheme absorption • meat • muscle food
杂志:营养学杂志2006 136: 576-581.
作者:Manju B. Reddy, Richard F. Hurrell, and James D. Cook
人们普遍认识到,动物食品摄入量是决定人类铁质营养状况最重要的膳食因素. 主要的原因是亚铁血红素具有较高的生物利用度,但是在食用放射标记的单一膳食的人体实验研究中也普遍认识到瘦肉组织促进非亚铁血红素的吸收。在本研究中,我们从均衡膳食的角度观察了摄入肉类对非亚铁血红素吸收的影响,14名志愿者(男女各7名)通过每餐摄入放射铁标记的小麦卷连续5天,分别在3个食物周期内测定铁离子的吸收情况.在首个饮食周期自由选用该种食物,然后在第二和第三个周期减少或大量增加肉类食物的摄入,当自由选择饮食者增加35%肉类食品的消耗时几何均数由4.87%上升到6.47%,但是非亚铁血红素的吸收在三个饮食周期组之间无明显差异(p=0.075)当非亚铁血红素的吸收调整到正常状况的差异用血清铁蛋白标准化纠正和三个吸收周期合并后,多元回归分析表明:亚铁血红素、非亚铁血红素、维生素-C、钙、磷、纤维或食物中有茶含量无动物组织之间没有显著关系。



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